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Lords of the Ring map almost finished

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  • Lords of the Ring map almost finished


    This thread is continuing where my initial LOTR thread started.

    That thraed was announcing the scenario. Now I progressed so far that the initail title does not cover the content anymore. Therefore ... a new thread.

    The map is almost finished? I am waiting for a guy who promissed me to make a swamp tile (a must to get the map as accurate as possible). This tile would replace the jungle tile which is not used

    Please have a look at my site and see if you can help me solve one of my issues at my issue list



  • #2
    What would be a good name for the civilization for Saruman. I could use the color the clothes his armies were wearing: red or white.
    Either the Uruk-Hai or The White hand would do well- and of course they should be white

    What to do with the four rings. Two out of the three rings were guarded by Elrond and Galadriel. The tird one was given by Círdan, the lord of the Grey Havens to Gandalf. And what with the fourth ring, THE ring guarded by Frodo.
    Well, in the case of Elrond and Galadriel's rings (Vilya and Nenya, respectively) they tended to focus more on preservation and sustaining the goodness of their realms- it's what helped add to the purity of Rivendell and Lothlorien. What I would do for those two is have them as wonders that do similar (if not the same things) in regards to culture accumulation, happiness, or perhaps something akin to the Great Wall (their powers helped protect the elves from the forces of darkness).

    As for Narya, Gandalf's ring, it seemed to have some personal defensive, offensive and dispellatory powers- basically I'd just use that to help explain a Gandalf unit's attack/defense abilities.

    As for The One Ring, I'd make that an upgrade from a standard Frodo unit to The Ringbearer (or Frodo the Ringbearer if it will fit) which gives him some more defensive abilities but that contains an end-game trigger if he dies.

    Could anyone supply me the correct values for the noun, adjective, civ gender and plurality attributes on all the civilizations? I need your help with this since my mother-tongue is dutch.
    Go ahead- I just need to know what you're using

    How to Fix player positions on a map
    I believe there is a device in the Files Forum entitled the 'Save Game Editor' which lets use place things- not sure on how it works however.

    How to make a map has fixed borders on the east and west that cannot be crossed by units.
    You can't- but you can fake it. Make the entire right border of the map water hexes, with a barrier of land extending where the actual shoreline is. This will keep ships from sailing around to the back entrance of Mordor . Then, on the left-side, make another barrier wall of mountains (claim it is the magic of Valinor )

    And what would be a good name for a civilization, representing the alliance between Shelob and Gollem.
    Hmm, a tough one. Well, Shelob was a descendant of Ungoliant, and that nasty group of offspring was generally refered to as the Children of Ungoliant so that's a possibility, or if one translated 'ungoliant' from elvish it's approximately rendered 'Gloomweavers' and that would certainly be a fitting description as well...

    What about Gandalf (alias Mithrandir)? I was thinking about a kind of nomadic civilization, with only one unit = Gandalf himself. I could make him an Elf, it is stated that Círdan, the lord of the Grey Havens knew Gandalf when his ship, coming from the west (probably coming from Valinor), landed there. But this could also mean he is a Valar or a Maya. Or maybe, I could make an extra civilization: 'Fellowship of the Ring' with Gandalf as the only unit, with extreme diplomatic powers, who can easiliy persuade 'good' civilizations to join him into a alliance. Or maybe, since this scenario has a free gameplay, I will just add him too the Hobbits.
    This is a basic design decision that really can't be determined without knowing certain other things (i.e. your basic plan for civs in the first place )

    Tom Bambodill is the last un-used creature in the book that was not mentioned yet. How could he be integrated into the story.
    You could always pull a Peter- don't mention him at all

    Again, your basic layout needs to be determined before I could advise on something like this...


    • #3
      You're right Cian!! How could Peter do this to LOTR fans. Tom Bombadil is absolutely integral to the plot. I'd love to know how he plans to get around the whole Barrow Blade issue now!!!
      Anyway, sorrow it's off the topic (kinda), but I just had to have that little rant



      • #4
        I find it a bit odd, but I guess I'll know in a few weeks time now

        I have faith in him as a director, my basic view on these movies is that they *have* to be good...


        • #5
          Yeah, don't get me wrong. I think P.J is a GREAT director, and I'm sure he's done a great job on the movie. Plus I'm going to see it regardless!!! I just had high hopes of the whole "Old Forest-T.B-Barrow Wight" story getting in!!
          Like you said though, we'll know in a few more weeks!!


