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Draw Buffer S3 Savage4

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  • Draw Buffer S3 Savage4

    My system:

    P3 450 mhz
    256 mb PC100 SDRAM
    32 mb AGP S3 Savage4 video card - Palit is manufacturer
    SOundblaster PCI 128 soundcard

    I have updated direcx 8.0. I installed the one that came on the CD. I have the latest vid card driver issued by manufacturer.

    The game installs ok, but I get overlapped grey text at the bottom of the initial splash screen.

    I can use the Quick Start, but the text in the lower right box is overlapped. I can move the units, but if I try to build a city then I get the following error:

    Fatal Error. Unable to allocate draw-buffer; terminating program

    I am then bounced back to the desktop.

    If I try to use load scenario or try to save the game after a quick start, then I get another error message:

    Civilization 3 has caused an error in Civilization3.exe. Civilization3 will now close. If you continue to experience problems then restart your computer.

    Now, I have followed the infogames troubleshooting guide to no avail. I am not at all heartened to see that there is no website for S3 vid cards. Maybe they stopped updating drivers? 'Course it could be a good excuse to get a new vid card....

    Any help would be appreciated. I've attached my directx dialog if anyone is really, really bored.
    Attached Files
    "...Democracy is the worst system there is, except all the other ones"

    Winston Churchill

  • #2
    Now that sounds familiar!
    I had the same problem with my Diomond Viper 500 Nvidia TNT-card. My desktop resolution was 1158*856 or something.
    I was only able to play the first 10 turns and my game crashed with the same prompt you had:
    "Fatal Error. Unable to allocate draw-buffer; terminating program"

    Also the monitors refresh-rate was lousy 60 kHz. Now I really dont know will this help you but my solution was to download new OpenGL-drivers from the internet. This manouver reduced the resolution option to four: 640*480, 800*600, 1024*756 and 1600*1200. I chose 1024*756 and the game hasn't crashed since. ( At least not because of that problem anyway)

    Hope this helps
    Que l’Univers n’est qu’un défaut dans la pureté de Non-être.

    - Paul Valery

