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Huge bug on huge map

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  • Huge bug on huge map

    I've tried twice to play a game on a huge map (256x256) that I created in the editor with the same result....the game crashed! The genesis of the problem seems to be one funky tile that appears on the map. Each time one of my units steps on it, or even goes near it, I receive the following message : "Civ3 caused an invalid page fault in Civilization3.exe"....or something to that effect.

    What could be causing this problem? The only thing that I can think of is that in each game in which I've attempted to use this map, I have used the money trainer that I downloaded here to give my civ an almost criminal advantage financially.

    Thanks in advance.

    Windows ME, 1.33 Ghz T-bird, 256MB PC2100 RAM, Getforce2 32MB MX

  • #2
    what kind of tile is it?

    I remember having a problem like that with a ctp/smac or maybe civ2. it turned out to be a problem with the video/animation, directx drivers.


    • #3
      The tile contains wheat. Other than that though, there's nothing unusual about it. I also have the latest DirectX drivers, so perhaps it is my video card drivers that are at fault? All I know is that each time I try to play a game on a huge map, something else seems to go wrong.


      • #4
        I had a similar problem with some hills. I couldn't build a city on the hills. Anywhere else I could. And I could stand there. It seems also that there were other tiles on the map like that. Because eventually the computer caused the same problem on their turn. That was the second huge map I had that did that. They weren't randoms either. Well, actually were seeded maps. Now I just play on 180x180.

        One of the game designers is looking into it. They asked for a copy of my saved game, so we'll see.
        Yours in gaming,


        • #5
          Thanks for replying, Eluc. You know, I can't remember the last time that I was eagerly anticipating the release of the first patch of a game almost as much as I had eagerly anticipated the release of the actual game. This is one of those rare occasions, I suppose.


          • #6
            Me too had/have this problem on a huge map. First I thought it's because of the babylonian bowmen, a problem occuring, when moving it around. But if you had this problem too, It seems to be something else. I don't think it's a tile problem though, because in my game it's showing up all the time and everywere (but only once with the warrior and all the other times only with bowmens).

            Heres my savegame (it's a chieftain game, that's the only reason why I'm so good )
            Attached Files

