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  • Bug?

    I dont know how my town Pasargadae got to size 9 without an aqueduct in this exciting game. It have been mine town whole game and it has mostly been used for producing immortals.

    Is this a bug, or is it another way to do that?
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  • #2
    Cities next to a source of fresh water do not require aqueducts. Is yours next a river or lake?


    • #3
      Fresh water Lakes will allow your town to grow in size, but I am pretty sure rivers do not. Note that a Lake only allows your city to bypass the aqueduct, you still need a hospital to get past size 12.
      "It is double pleasure to deceive the deceiver" - Jean de La Fontaine


      • #4
        True about hospitals, but my towns beside rivers have grown beyond size 6 quite nicely without aqueducts and without neighboring lakes or ponds.


        • #5
          Oops, my bad. You are correct solo. Rivers do allow you to grow past six. I am not sure where that got mixed up it my head.
          "It is double pleasure to deceive the deceiver" - Jean de La Fontaine

