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MAP: A New Look at the World EPISODE II

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  • #16

    I agree that at first glance it would seem like there are a lot of resources, but this was done for a few reasons. Firstly, the obvious: my maps are Huge and are designed to support all 16 Civs ... secondly, although my maps are Huge the actual % of land is very low making the games slightly more fierce when compared to Civ3 randomly generated huge maps.

    But thirdly and most importantly, my resources are largely clumped. For example, there might be a dozen vines on the map, but you won't find one here, another further away and scattered everywhere around my maps. Like I think I might have mentioned , my maps are designed for fun... Maybe there is saltpeter is such-and-such mountain range, but I'd rather sacrifice the spreading of resources for realism for better gameplay. Once you play, you'll realize that the resources are strategically placed so even though there are a lot, its quite easy for a civ starting near a resources to pounce on a monopoly and then exploit that advantage.

    Give it a try, i KNOW that 30 seconds is not enough

    Good Gaming !
    ~Alex (& Joanna)
    "Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion"
    -Democritus of Abdera


    • #17
      Hardcore Evangelicals

      Man those hardcore evangelical christians are gonna have your head for this, they think the world is only 6000 years old. lol I just had to say that cuz I work for one of their radio stations and I could hear them whining about your map and how it's secretly underminding the youth of america about evolution. lol But anyways, AWESOME map two big thumbs up!
      "Anti-trendy is just as trendy as being trendy." Tony L.


      • #18
        Re: Hardcore Evangelicals

        Originally posted by SkyBanditSiegel
        Man those hardcore evangelical christians are gonna have your head for this, they think the world is only 6000 years old. lol I just had to say that cuz I work for one of their radio stations and I could hear them whining about your map and how it's secretly underminding the youth of america about evolution. lol But anyways, AWESOME map two big thumbs up!
        Thanks brother

        Strange thing I guess here would be that I'm Catholic

        Last edited by ThaddeusAlexander; November 26, 2001, 15:20.
        "Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion"
        -Democritus of Abdera


        • #19
          A suggestion for map naming

          This thread is getting too low, so I thought I just throw this idea out FWIW:

          In naming future Earth maps, it might be useful to include the date in the filename. This isn't so necessary if the map is named after a geological epoch, as in Cretaceous, but for a future map, it could be something like "Earth-150 million AD".

          Any progress on that map, Alex? (Sorry for the impatience.)



          • #20

            I've been playing as the Japanese on this map. So far, it's been an interesting game.

            BTW, how's the future Earth map coming along?
            oh god how did this get here I am not good with livejournal


            • #21
              Coal, Oil, and *Diamonds*

              Amusing thought:
              In the cretacious, there would be less coal and oil, but the huge difference would be a near-total lack of diamonds. If you think they're expensive now, imagine a world where the coal deposits haven't had time to super-impact and compress into diamonds!

              Btw, if my understanding of geology is wrong, pls correct me


              • #22
                Well, and I doubt you could find many cows, either.


                • #23
                  Possible apologies are in order as I may very well have downloaded this link from the first Cretaceous thread --

                  Of especial interest:

                  1. Ice age map. VERY recent theory points out that genetically modern homo sapiens have been around for (sorry, I don't have the "precise" # in front of me) hundreds of thousands of years, and that the last 500 thousand years have been punctuated by 100 thousand year cycles each consisting of 90 thousand years of glaciation then 10 thousand years of temperate times (we're evidently near the end of one such cycle now). Anyway the theory holds that climatological conditions hindered our forebearers from hoisting their own proud banners of Civilization ... but what if? ... An interesting and "realistic" setting for Conan's world etc.

                  2. Future earths -- settings for such as Gene Wolf's "Earth Of The New Sun" series (btw for an extraordinarily interesting & fun book, based on sound evolutionary theory, of life, geography and biomes 50 million years from now, see Dougal Dixon's "After Man: A Zoology Of The Future").

                  Such "realistic" settings allow us to explore entirely different approaches to technology -- a perpetual favorite of mine, an earth where underground helium deposits are far more prevalent than is the real & present case and airships rule the air until replaced by aircraft yet remain viable transports; etc.

                  Delighted that these paths are being explored (and especially to thee oh wondrous map maker!),

                  ... And on the pedestal these words appear: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, the lone and level sands stretch far away ...


                  • #24
                    Hey Everyone

                    This is actually THADDEUS ALEXANDER writing from my girlfriend's Apolyton account.

                    I know you're all wondering about my maps and where the heck i went, so the short story is that my computer got a wonderful worm and its been dead for a while. Although its up and working again, I can't get back on the web to post my maps from home, but as soon as I can get my net working again i'll finish the maps and then i'll post them

                    Sorry again for leaving so abruptly

                    Hoping to be back soon and wishing you all good gaming,


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by starshower
                      Hey Everyone

                      This is actually THADDEUS ALEXANDER writing from my girlfriend's Apolyton account.

                      I know you're all wondering about my maps and where the heck i went, so the short story is that my computer got a wonderful worm and its been dead for a while. Although its up and working again, I can't get back on the web to post my maps from home, but as soon as I can get my net working again i'll finish the maps and then i'll post them

                      Sorry again for leaving so abruptly

                      Hoping to be back soon and wishing you all good gaming,
                      Hey guy, where are You? Where Your so creative new works?


                      • #26
                        This is Thaddeus Alexander again! Heheh. No. It's not the great Alexander, it's just little ol' loser Leonel. :P

                        Couldn't Mr Alexander make these maps into a standard size? It takes forever to get a turn! Unless I'm really dumb and that's how you actually play the game. Standard sizes would be big enough to have fun on, yet small enough to not have to wait along time for a turn.


                        • #27
                          Reading a book or something off-turn sometimes works..(when playing on a maxed out map with 16 players with the off-turn being almost five minutes)
                          Click here for Norm's Giga Map of Europe


                          • #28
                            Hey its ACTUALLY me

                            You know what? Tacticus Alexandrius will be up again soon!!

                            Now I KNOW I've been away for a long time ... its been a spiritual journey or something like that, but I've been away from computer gaming for a while. But hearing about the new add-on to Civ3 coming out in the winter has sparked my interest again. Mind you, I've never lost faith in Civ3, just no time really!!

                            ANYway, I have the other map done but instead of posting them all here and wasting Apolyton's webspace, I'll simply be posting links to my site where you can download a bunch of my maps and mods and stuff like that, but for Civ3 (I'm putting away the old Tacticus Alexandrius site that was devoted to CTP2 and replacing it with something MUCH different Something I think everyone will like).

                            The new site will have the same Scribe's Book which is responsible for literally hundreds of e-mails of praise since the site went up many years ago now. When Civ3 came out I was flooded with e-mails again wondering if I'd continue my site with Civ3 but i had to decline for reasons both personal and for sheer lack of time.

                            Now, I DO HAVE TIME!! And Tacticus Alexandrius will be better than ever. Now equipped with web-building knowledge of Flash animation and the like I'm going to make a website that is both visually appealing, informative and fun, but most importantly, something you'll hopefully find yourself checking every day as I aim to update my Scribe's book daily. I also plan on forums and a chat section, download sections, useful links and much much more.

                            Even though this might be starting to sound like a sales pitch, its not .... my site are always non-profit So you'll never have to worry about annoying banners, pop-ups and all the rest of the junk you hate the net for.

                            .... But then again, is selling out all that bad? hehe, no i'm just joking

                            So I'll keep everyone posted about the site but I don't think it'll be up for another month or so (that is, september/october 2002), giving it some time to settle in before the official launch of Play the World.

                            Hope to see you all there!
                            ~Alex (aka Thaddeus Alexander)

                            P.S. Thank you all for your comments on my maps and for supporting my last silly little site. All the work I do is because of your support because Lord knows I'm not gettin' paid for it
                            "Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion"
                            -Democritus of Abdera

