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Problems with espionage

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  • Problems with espionage

    I have established embassies in all AI-empires, and I have researched Espionage, and finally; I have built the Intelligence agency mini-wonder, but STILL I cannot choose anything else the those old "Steal technology" and "Investigate city" alternatives. Where are the altenatives? Are they only available against Civs during wars, or what?

  • #2
    I don't know if this will help you, but here goes:
    Maybe you're still using the diplomacy-screen? If so, try pressing
    shift+E or the new Espionage-button in the low right corner to
    enter the espionage-screen.
    + You have to plant a spy in a foreign city to use the espionage
    options. Double click on the new symbol on the city you built your
    Intelligence Agency.
    "- Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes." - Oscar Wilde
    " jeg kan jo brukes til så mangt, du kan jo koke lim av meg såklart. Og lime bilder inn... i minneboken din."


    • #3
      The embassy is always in the capital but your spies HQ is wherever you built the small wonder. next to that cities name on the main map appears a white square thing.
      click on that the same way you would on the embassy button and a list of other civs comes up along with the cost in gold to establish a spy in thier capital.

      once youve done this there should be no problem performing spy actions. Spy action are not cut off during wars either.


      • #4
        Can someone please describe where the FOREIGN MINISTRY buttohn is? The manual says that it's located on the capital city screen, but I can't seem to find it. Is it in the upper-right corner, lower-left? I really can't find that thing, this preventing me from establishing any embassies. Thanks.


        • #5
          To plant spies or build embassies you need to double click on the appropriate icon in either your capital for embassies, or the on the upside down pentagon icon after you build the CIA building. Doing so will give you a pop up window prompting you for which civ you want to go after. Note that planting a spy is not always successful, and when it fails costs you money plus the game says the target civ becomes angry at you. I don't know how that affects you diplomatic relations, but it can't be good
          "It is double pleasure to deceive the deceiver" - Jean de La Fontaine


          • #6
            Also on the hotkey list from the back of the manual, Ctrl-E to establish embassies, Ctrl-Shift-E to plant spies.

            The person in charge of creating hot-keys may have have gone a little overboard- there is a hot key for everything.
            "It is double pleasure to deceive the deceiver" - Jean de La Fontaine

