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What's the deal with nVidia cards?

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  • What's the deal with nVidia cards?

    There seem to be a lot of posts here about people having problems with nVidia cards and Civ 3. I have a TNT 2, so I'm having the same sorts of problems. What's the deal? Is this just a temporary thing until they put out a patch? Or has Firaxis (as one poster put it) *decided* not to support my video card?

  • #2
    I have begun to suspect somekind of conspiracy too.
    It might also have something to do with OpenGL-drivers..
    Heres my reply to another thread here:

    "I had the same problem with my Diomond Viper 500 Nvidia TNT-card. My desktop resolution was 1158*856 or something.
    I was only able to play the first 10 turns and my game crashed with the same prompt you had:
    "Fatal Error. Unable to allocate draw-buffer; terminating program"

    Also the monitors refresh-rate was lousy 60 kHz. Now I really dont know will this help you but my solution was to download new OpenGL-drivers from the internet. This manouver reduced resolution options 2 four: 640*480, 800*600, 1024*756 and 1600*1200. I chose 1024*756 and the game hasn't crashed since. ( At least not because of that problem anyway)"

    Hope this helps
    Que l’Univers n’est qu’un défaut dans la pureté de Non-être.

    - Paul Valery

