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What units would you add?

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  • #46
    We have the Jet Fighter but no Jet Bomber, sad!
    Alexandre Madeira
    I create worlds. :)


    • #47
      I would add an APC transporter.. and I have!
      I made the panzer tank transport 2 land units.. and it works!
      just make it able to unload (top right box) and only carry foot units, and transport capacity of 2.
      I didn't have any problems using it like an army type unit.
      Maybe we could use this to give some 'character' units pockets, where they can carry a certain amount of 'items' like a magic wand, or grenade which can be activated and used like a cruisemissle to destroy an evil warlock with your wand of purification for example.
      Make items foot units, everying else mounted and you can't load units into your pockets unless your a bit strange!


      • #48
        Units I would add

        Iwould love to see Star Wars units
        At-At that could carry a ground unit
        Star Destroyers with shields
        Y-wings that could carry Torpedos
        A big Super Destroyer
        Just think of all the things we could do
        John Plavchan


        • #49
          I'm going to put a list together soon, if I have the time...

          Keep on posting!
          The difference between industrial society and information society:
          In an industrial society you take a shower when you have come home from work.
          In an information society you take a shower before leaving for work.


          • #50
            Caravan or Wagon Train or Pioneer
            Function much like an Army in that certain units could be Loaded and Unloaded...maybe limit to 2 transfer capacity. Only non-offensive units settlers, workers, explorers, could travel together. Would get 2 moves and prereq with horseback riding. Have some sort of defense bonus but not much. Hate how the settlers just lay down and die right now.

            Trojan Horse
            Ancient the same as an Army. 1 unit capacity, but has the Privateer ability so it can attack without repercussions.

            Bombard capability...make the catapult with offensive power instead of bombard power, and use the trebuchet to bombard

            Same as above but works with cannon

            Bonuses against infantry if possible. This would be a medieval unit...slightly better overall unit than the musketman or pikeman. (4.3.1)

            Guerilla and/or fanatics
            Low support/build costs. Same as civ2

