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  • Army?

    whats an army do?

  • #2
    I just got my first army from my leader Edward,
    they combine all your 3 units loaded onto it, so their hitpoints add together. They also make the noise Har..Har! when your attacking with the leader spurring your units on.
    You can unload and reload units i think, but only in a city it seems.
    When one unit in the army loses the whole 3 unit army dies.
    I found my army pretty powerful, though i wasn't playing seriously.. I got the leader beating a damage swordman with my elite spearman maybe the bad odds made it becoming a leader more likely.
    OH and my english leader was Edward.. as in king edward.
    This feature is great I just hope the AI knows how to use armies too.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Admiral PJ
      I just hope the AI knows how to use armies too.
      yes it does. when you get later in the game and you can plant a spy, check out your military advisor. You will see that the AI has armies, or is saving a leader (for rushing wonders). It probably builds armies too. is it just me, or does the AI always go for military tradition tech. Sure it provides cavalry, but i think it's better to skip it and go for the next age...


      • #4
        An army locks your units into an unupgradable formation that cannot board galleons and can attack only once per turn.

        It does pool their hit points, which can result in long term productivity recovery due to not having to replace units. All in all though, I think they kinda suck...



        • #5
          you can load an army into boats, it depends how big your army is.

          Every unit in the army counts as one, and the army itself counts as another unit. thats 4 max (unless you have the pentagon which is then 5...) and last I checked, 4 fits into a galleon.

          venger is right, they cant be upgraded (but can be disbanded). they can only attack once per turn (like nearly every other unit), and they do pool all of their HPs together (which makes for a fantastic defensive unit, especially for that city the AI is always trying to get with it's 20 cavalry rush).

          If composed entirely of fast units, the army retains that ability and will be able to enjoy that extra mobility. All in all, they do not suck


          • #6
            yes venger i have gotten an army and put 2 mech infantry and one mod armor and well i didn't kno how many units etc.
            they dont suck


            • #7
              How do you guys seem to get leaders so easily.
              I just fought 3 wars (over the last 2 days)for the specific purpose of getting a leader and only just got one a few hours ago!

              Do you all use the militaristic Civ's or something?

              PS the readme lists the ways that armies are different than what the manual says


              • #8
                well philip it would help to have a militaristic civ because the units get promoted more easily, and by the way i only got one leader and i was the romans(militaristic).

                Friends, Romans, Countrymen lend me your ears.

