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  • Editor

    Can someone please give me an idiot's step by step instructions to creating a new civ. or making changes to an existing civ. using the editor? I tried both, saving the files as directed. When I opened either of them using the scenario option on the main menu, the game crashed. Thanks

    Also, can someone tell me how to set the video to 1280 resolution. I tried using the instructions in the "read me" file, but implementing those instuctions had no effect.

    Comment: Don't you wish they used the smac combat system in civ3?

    Thanks to all who help.

  • #2
    Ok i am no expert on the editor but i recommend leaving it alone somethings u can change in the editor are linked to crashes and weird behaviour by civ3 leave it alone till they patch it or get a replie from someone that knows the dos and donts

    If the game is'nt setting the resolution at what u want even if u use the command lines in the ini file then put your desktop at the resolution u wish to play the (must be 1024 * 768 16 bit or above) before starting the game and put this line in your Civilization3.Ini file


    and it should keep your desktops resolution of course your monitor has to be capable of displaying in that resolution.


    • #3
      To Heavens

      Thanks, I managed to set the resolution as your instructions indicated. To your knowledge, are other people also having trouble with the editor? Again, thanks in advance.


      • #4
        The editor right now is very tricky for editing civilizations. It is not possible to currently add new playable civs. (It can be done, but the second you hit the foriegn advisor screen the game will crash, it appears that the programmers hardcoded a reference to a picture file or something in the game causing the crash.) It is possible to edit the civilizations however you must be very careful that all appropriate file references (for images, etc.) have been edited to reflect the new changes to the Civ name.

        The creation forum will be better able to help you if you decide to proceed with editing... personally I just put all my Civ creation on hold until we see what if anything is changed in the patch to allow us to do it.

        Hope this helps

