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MOD: Copper, Zinc and Nickel Resources

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  • #31
    Since we're going crazy about resources...

    Here are my thoughts on the subject.

    It seems to me that there is a lot of focus on making the resource dependencies model how things "really were". What about what could have been?

    For example, ship cannons. Ship cannons in Europe were principally made of iron, because iron is cheap. Bronze (which is copper based) makes much higher quality cannons, but at a much higher price. So if there was no iron available to, say, the British, its not like they wouldn't be able to make cannons. They would simply figure out how to use something else.

    Is it possible so set the resource requirements to either/or?
    For example, spearmen can be made with copper OR iron.

    Or, you could simply add another unit to the game that shows up with the same tech advance, but requires different resources.
    I think it would be possible to be very creative with this.

    Example: "horseback" riding. (probably should be "stirrup")
    Civs with the "horse" resource (central Asia) can build horsemen.
    Civs with the "elephant" resource can build mounted elephants (higher powered and slower, but higher cost)
    Civs with the "reindeer" resource can build reindeer cavalry (the Finns had these, I think. I'm serious)
    Civs with the "llama" resource can build llama cavalry (which move across mountains faster).

    Subsequent upgrades (like knights and cavalry) should use the same resource. (Llama knights!! You know you want one!)

    Confine each resource to different locations, the way luxuries are now, so it is very unlikely that one civ would have both. Result: very interesting battles between Egyptian reindeer and French llamas. It'd be great!

    Other examples:
    * spearmen that use bamboo instead of copper.
    * cannon that use petroleum instead of saltpeter? (is that impossible?)
    * electronics that use gold instead of copper (I think gold is actually better for this.)

    What do you think, sirs?


    • #32
      resource graphic prob

      I was doing my own resource mod and ran into the same graphic problem where they disappear. I had any idea though, move all the bonus resources to the "invisible" squares. Going totest it now. If anyone else gives it a try let me know how it goes.
      Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

      See me at


      • #33
        While you can't create a unit (or improvement or anything else for that matter) that has an "either-or" set of requirements, you can add a unit (or whatever) that has the other requirement. For example, make your "Reindeer Knights" use the same Civilopedia entry as the Knight and require Game instead of Horses. If you really want to go all out, make up a new name, Civilopedia entry, and graphics to represent your optional unit.

        But it could be just as simple as adding three units exactly the same as the Knight and changing their individual requirements to Game, Ivory, and I'm not sure what for Llamas to get Reindeer Knights, Elephant Towers, and Llama Knights.


        • #34
          Tech probs

          I dunno if its because my mod has been over modded but I'm running into a resources problem. It appears that there might be a game cap for luxuries andstrategic resources (both at 8) has anyone else ran into this? The game appears to crash when you try to go to the city screen. ANybody know? Firaxis?
          Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

          See me at


          • #35
            Re: Copper, Zinc and Nickel Resources Mod

            I know why your resouces aren't appearing on the map. The game will only recognize the first 24 icons in resources.pcx. Anything more than that will be invisible on the map and in the Civilopedia. Rather dumb IMHO, seeing as how there's room there for 12 more, but that's the way they've done it. So if you want to get crazy with resources, you'll have to double, or triple, the use of the available icons.

            So maybe you could help me. I'd like to add more strategic resources, but looking at the city view, it seems to me that there's a distinct limit as to how many I can have. I haven't gone very far in the game yet so I don't know whether those windows will start scrolling and allow me to add more. For instance, I was thinking of limestone for certain Wonders and large buildings, and timber for building ships. But I'm concerned that the game will start crashing if that box becomes to full.

            How far have you gone, and what have you observed? I don't want to get carried away only to discover that the game crashes because of to many resources. I really wish I could use the bonus resources as a requirement for certain things, but it doesn't work that way.


            • #36
              Yet another instance of hardcoding. I don't care what people say, this game was not designed with modding in mind. :/

              So to add a resource, we have to remove an already existing one?
              Orange and Tangerine Juice. More mellow than an orange, more orangy than a tangerine. It's alot like me, but without all the pulp.

              ~~ Shamelessly stolen from someone with talent.


              • #37
                Re: Re: Re: Re: Copper, Zinc and Nickel Resources Mod

                Originally posted by Ray K

                It seems likely that a small civilization would be very restricted in the number of units it could build and this would be a big disadvantage.

                With copper, this could happen early on if a civ does not start near copper deposits. Although historically accurate, the mechanics of the game make it unworkable. In Civ3, you start with only one city and therefore have access to a very limited number of terrain tiles. The chances of not getting copper in the game are very high.

                I decided to replace the Rubber resource with Copper and did run into problems early on. So I restricted the requirement to certain elite units, like the Hoplite and the Impi, and to the Colossus. So far it's working out fine. I have it set as an important resource later on, once I get into electricity etc. I also created a Mint small wonder available with Currency and Palace that requires it. Works great for building up my forces early on.

                BTW, I've added Horses as a requirement for most of the large, early Wonders. I figure a civ would need them in order to haul the vast amounts of construction materials needed. It's working out great to spread things out. I got tired of discovering that someone else has built a Wonder that I had "almost" completed. With Horses, and a few extra improvement requirements, like a Temple for the Oracle etc. I've managed to avoid that mad flurry that used to happen early on.


                • #38
                  problems with adding resources

                  I've had the same problem with the appearent limit on resources;

                  The game won't recognize my extra resources.
                  Whenever I try to start a game with extra resources the game crashes forcing me to reboot my computer.
                  The reason I know it's because of the limit is that the game works fine if I give them an existing icon.

                  Any way to get aound this ?



                  • #39
                    Re: problems with adding resources

                    Originally posted by jaw
                    I've had the same problem with the appearent limit on resources;

                    The game won't recognize my extra resources.
                    Whenever I try to start a game with extra resources the game crashes forcing me to reboot my computer.
                    The reason I know it's because of the limit is that the game works fine if I give them an existing icon.

                    Any way to get aound this ?

                    That may not be the resources limit, it may just be a conflict when it tries to put two resources on the same square. I had that problem when I added sheep to my Hills. But as soon as I turned my Gold to Luxury, the problem went away, so I'm guessing the game was getting confused trying to figure out which one to put down.

                    The Luxury/Strategic resources limit probably won't be noticed until the end, and it will happen everytime you open your city screen. There's only room for 8 of each in the windows, and as far as I know they can't scroll. I haven't tempted fate yet since I don't want to get that far just to have my game crash.


                    • #40
                      luxury resources

                      how about creating SALT, and Natural gas? as new resources. Salt would be a luxury making people happy, and providing more trade. income. Natural gas, 4 power plants, and factorys Decrease prodution times. stuff like that


                      • #41
                        I have a quibble

                        Depending on how your making the game, I have a slight quibble, seeing as I too am working on a few extras for the earlier end of the game

                        according to my (not very concise) research Copper and Gold were early discovered metals since they were obvioulsy different in appearance to normal rock, and only after they were mined and smelted for many years did the concept that other metals existsed, So for game terms, iron and other metals should not be visable until the player has had copper for a few inventions/troops so therefore having iron based weaponry before copper/bronze based weaponry would be virtually impossible
                        EFR RPG GAME Designer, E.F.R. Forums The Coyn: Fantasy Mod for Civ3:Conquests

