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One Turn takes couple

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  • One Turn takes couple

    hi im playing on huge map with 15 other civs. and in the industrial age, a single turn takes couple minutes. it takes like 30 sec. to get the first unit to move after my turn is over...i got a athalon 600 with nvidia 32mb and 256 ram. any suggestions?

    by the way, in that game i was russians in monarch difficulty, with moscow founded next to two flood plain wheat tiles. my city radius was mostly hills and flood plains so with flood plains irrigated and hills mined, i was pumping out massive amounts of settlers in the beginning and actually outnumbered any AI civ's # of cities. i was always the top in research and had a good size treasury from trading techs to AI. i had tons of resources, but only had 1 wonder the oracle. the Germans and English declared war on me once early game but never attacked me before i got them to sign peace treaties. never had any kind of army, most cities still occupied by warriors. i never had a single battle with any other civs and i dont think i saw one war during the whole game! that was with total of 16 civs. that didnt make too much sense. with most of my cities producing culture improvements, i absorbed most cities of AIs that bordered mine. anyways in industrial age, it took so long per turn that i had to give up. i think it got upto 3 minutes per turn after i hit enter. well i finished with ranking ahead of everyone at least and that was probably the most dominant ive been on monarch.

  • #2
    Welcome to the club pal. I have a 1.98 Ghz Pentium, 512 MB RAM, 64 MB DDR ATI RADEON and attempted to play with the maximum number of civs on a huge map (silly me, I thought my computer could handle the load). By the industrial age also, I could go for a snack and talk to a friend and come back and my turn would be ready (2 minutes minimum). After a day, I decided it was impossible to play the scenario. I attempted to contact the support at Firaxis, but their sorry advise was to reduce the map size. Can you believe that? Why put such a map there and have the maximum number of civs be around 15 if no computer, except a super computer maybe can run it. If you find a solution to the speed problem, I would like to know also. Firaxis, if you are reading this, fix the problem before you get a lot of disastisfied customers!


    • #3
      Guys, posting your hardware specs is not vital in this case. The length of the turns depend on the AI's moves. More units, the longer it takes. Battles also take a while for the AI to be calculated. So just wait, and you'll have your turn. This is not a shot em' up game.
      "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


      • #4
        Why should I not post my specs? That's the first set of questions the so-called technical team at Infogrames ask me when I sought their advice. Well, my computer is not the problem, it's the design of the game itself.
        You say wait my turn, well how long does one have to wait before it borders on the absurdity, one minute, two minute, ten minutes? I want to play a simulation of an empire building game, not be part of one. Firaxis has a major problem when computers >1Ghz slows to a crawl over a game such as CIVIII. I just hope they understand why some of us are so frustrated and fix the problem.


        • #5
          forget multiplayer

          imagine multiplayer issues. not only do u have to wait for your human opponent's turn, but u also have to wait for AI turns. that can end up easily over 15 minutes in huge map with many civs.


          • #6
            ...Just think how many calculations a 1 GHz - class processor can make during a 2-minute perioid...some AI they've done! It must be some sort of neuro-web!

            But seriously, AI is quite competent and problem is solved by selecting normal - size map with fewer civilizations.


            • #7
              I have a 550 Mhz and I thought I was the only one complaining...
              My advice? Do you have many pending things to be done? Do them while you wait for your turn!!!


              • #8
                reduce number of civs

                i play on huge map with 6 civs, even in modern age turn lasts less than one minute.


                • #9


                  "Build Ports when possible. A port gives you extra resources, as well as an extra tile for a unit to stand on." - Infogrames


                  • #10
                    The key problem is that the Soren has probably not made the AI code as good as he could/should have. It's possible that the AI isn't flexible to use all the available processing capacity, because it uses some formulas that are limited to certain limits. It's also possible that Windows isn't giving away enough processing or memory capacity. At least that's the theory I would stay to.
                    "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver

