I am curious, whether anyone tried to run Civ3 on a laptop, and ran into similar issues.
The default screen size of my laptop is 800x600, but it is able
to emulate the 1025x768 size in a "virtual display" mode. (This means that as I move the cursor, a larger screen moves around below.)
This seems to work fine, except for the diplomacy screens, when
the lowest lines don't seem to show on my screen. For instance,
from the manual it seems I should have the options of leaving the negotiating table, or ask the AI to make a counter-proposal, but these options simply do not show on my screen. The lowest line (barely fitting at the bottom) is asking the AI whether she finds my offer acceptable. (So if I get "stuck" not wanting to agree on any deal, all I can do is hit the "ESC" button.)
The other problem seems to be that once I am in the 1600's, the game tends to freeze.
I must admit that I have an "old" (1999) laptop with an upgraded hard drive, and my processor speed (340 MHz) and memory size
(196Mb) barely fit the system requirements. Yet the game seems to be running smoothly till the 1600's so I am not sure whether this is really a hardware issue.
Overall I like the conceptual innovations of this game compared to the previous versions. but I wish the designer had thought of a separate "laptop-scaled" version just like it was the case with Alpha Centauri. (Why do I need the CD in the machine anyway if I had to copy everything on my hard drive?)
I will appreciate any helpful comment.
Best regards, Gabor
The default screen size of my laptop is 800x600, but it is able
to emulate the 1025x768 size in a "virtual display" mode. (This means that as I move the cursor, a larger screen moves around below.)
This seems to work fine, except for the diplomacy screens, when
the lowest lines don't seem to show on my screen. For instance,
from the manual it seems I should have the options of leaving the negotiating table, or ask the AI to make a counter-proposal, but these options simply do not show on my screen. The lowest line (barely fitting at the bottom) is asking the AI whether she finds my offer acceptable. (So if I get "stuck" not wanting to agree on any deal, all I can do is hit the "ESC" button.)
The other problem seems to be that once I am in the 1600's, the game tends to freeze.
I must admit that I have an "old" (1999) laptop with an upgraded hard drive, and my processor speed (340 MHz) and memory size
(196Mb) barely fit the system requirements. Yet the game seems to be running smoothly till the 1600's so I am not sure whether this is really a hardware issue.
Overall I like the conceptual innovations of this game compared to the previous versions. but I wish the designer had thought of a separate "laptop-scaled" version just like it was the case with Alpha Centauri. (Why do I need the CD in the machine anyway if I had to copy everything on my hard drive?)
I will appreciate any helpful comment.
Best regards, Gabor