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UTILITY: Save Game Editor v1.0

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  • #31
    Jimmy -

    Question for ya...... I have managed to get the unit position portion of the editor to work like a champ, but for some reason I'm having problems with the year change.

    Every time I change the year (no matter what value I provide it), it does initially change the game year to what I specify. However, as soon as I run a single turn, the game date changes back to what it was originally +1 turn in time.

    For instance: Saved game at 3700 BC. Fired up editor, loaded save game, changed date to -4000, saved file with appropriate name. Fired up Civ III, loaded this save. Ok, at this point all is fine, date reads 4000 BC...... advance the turn...... the date changes from 4000 BC to 3650 BC.........

    What am I doing wrong?

    Lord Khang
    Imperial Klingon High Command
    IKV DreadKnight


    • #32
      Originally posted by MarkG
      james if you could work this out and provide me with the instructions so that i can do for every tournament, it would be great
      I believe a better way to protect the tournaments is to make the utility check if a NOEDIT-flag is set somewhere in the EXE, and not allow the files to be edited if it is set. Maybe in combination with a has-been-edited-flag.

      The protect-thing would mean less work, as you wouldn't have to check each file. I believe I know a way it can be done.
      Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


      • #33
        Well for this flag in the exe to be added they'd have to run the editor in the first place. I don't think theres much I can do about the current match that's running but, but future one's could have a password placed in the save file that Dan or Mark release for future match's, if they try to load up the saved file in the editor then if should prompt for a password.

        This way Dan or Mark won't have to check hundreds of sav files for cheating.

        Let me know what you think MarkG.



        • #34

          Originally posted by jimmyh
          Well for this flag in the exe to be added they'd have to run the editor in the first place. I don't think theres much I can do about the current match that's running but, but future one's could have a password placed in the save file that Dan or Mark release for future match's, if they try to load up the saved file in the editor then if should prompt for a password.

          This way Dan or Mark won't have to check hundreds of sav files for cheating.

          Let me know what you think MarkG.

          Unfortunately, if people want to cheat they will cheat with or without your editor. The editor does make it nice and easy, but it is by no means the only way to edit the file. No matter what means you put into the file, there will be someone out there that will figure a way around it. I'm in the tournament for fun... If I get a mention on the website great, but if I'm last by 10,000 points, I'll know that I didn't cheat.

          Anyway, great job so far... Keep up the good work. If you need/want any help on this project, I'm a willing programmer at your disposal.


          • #35
            Originally posted by jimmyh
            Well for this flag in the exe to be added they'd have to run the editor in the first place. I don't think theres much I can do about the current match that's running but, but future one's could have a password placed in the save file that Dan or Mark release for future match's, if they try to load up the saved file in the editor then if should prompt for a password.

            This way Dan or Mark won't have to check hundreds of sav files for cheating.
            sounds good, but will the password remain in saved games of a game that started with this saved game?
            Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
            Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
   my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


            • #36
              Originally posted by MarkG
              sounds good, but will the password remain in saved games of a game that started with this saved game?
              I think there is a way to do so, but I've not tested it yet, and I'll not post it public.
              Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


              • #37
                Update: Save Game Editor v1.01

                I think it's time for an update.

                I've fixed the bug with changing the year, this now works, you will not be able to enter Invalid years, you will get prompt that there is an error with the year and it'll suggest two valid years.

                i.e -4000, -3950, -3900 are valid
                -3999, -3920, -3907 are Invalid

                If you enter -3999 it will suggest you change it to -4000 or -3950.

                Things being worked on: ( Will be release in the next version. )
                The ability to change your selected civ.
                Uncovering the world when you move units about with the editor.

                Possible be able to change the units you start with.

                If you 'd like to suggest any thing you'd like in the next version or an update of any version then let me know.

                Attached Files


                • #38
                  Hi. Could someone please help? I'd really like to use this save game editor for a proper game of Civ. When I load a save game into the program it reports an error and closes. I'm not sure if I missed some instruction, but I've read every message on this board several times looking for a clue, found nothing that worked. I've tried this on both of my computers and neither work, so...


                  • #39
                    Could you please post the save game you are trying to load.

                    And I will have a look at it for you.



                    • #40
                      Here's the saved game file. It didn't work with any of the saved games I tried. I had a friend of mine also download this utility and the same problems occured. I think I must be doing something wrong. Do you have to save the file with a particular name or something?


                      • #41
                        That last one didn't attach the file for some reason...


                        • #42
                          ...and it looks like it's still not going to...


                          • #43
                            Just send it to


                            • #44
                              "i'd love to hear your suggestions for a better format kitten" MarkG

                              I bet you would

                              But that would be as bad as sleeping with the enemy...


                              • #45

                                YOU THE MAN JIMMY!!!

                                Year date problem solved. Man, I was going nuts trying to figure out why it didn't work the first time around....... but then again, I'm no programmer.........

                                So......... where shall I send the gratuitous monetary donation?

                                Yours -

                                Lord Khang
                                Imperial Klingon High Command
                                IKV DreadKnight

