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UTILITY: Save Game Editor v1.0

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  • #16
    Jimmyh go to to get winzip (I used winzip to compress the files by 97 percent so I could post them! and so people could quickly download them).

    Winzip evaluation copy is free!!!

    I am right in thinking you tried to load the files you downloaded without having extracted them


    • #17
      Originally posted by BiggN
      Doesn't work with XP.

      So could some one make a nice SG w/ correct starting positions of the English on the Huge map plz.
      Yes it does work with winXP
      A problem I have encountered on a modified version of the huge map, is that I can only edit the starting positions of have the civs.

      The other half just don't even appear. But good work Jimmy



      • #18
        Doesn't work, sorry i didn't give more details.

        All my maps are on HUGE.

        I tryed all the simulation modes.

        But when it comes to loading up the SG, it crashes and sends a report to Windows *XP users will know what i mean*

        [edit]Sorry, didn't read what you wanted fully.
        "What map, map size, difficulty level and how many other civs? "

        Earth. Huge, Can't Remember probably different ones, 16

        btw, thanks to EVERYONE that helped and posted their games for me
        Last edited by BiggN; November 19, 2001, 22:23.
        Stop . Learn . Adjust . Strke


        • #19
          Hey biggs.

          I have had similar problem with small apps of this nature.
          Fixed it by running it in compatability mode for win98. (by going into properties)




          • #20
            OMG, it does work...

            Sorry, they were old saved games i was editing.

            *from before a format*

            Don't know why they didn't work, but these ones do.

            Thanks *and sorry*
            Stop . Learn . Adjust . Strke


            • #21
              Yeah, i tryed that first time around..

              Same problem, don't know why it won't open my old saved games tho.
              Stop . Learn . Adjust . Strke


              • #22
                Hidden map help

                Here are two saved games that hopefully will be helpful for anyone working on the hidden-map problem. There are two games, ex.sav and nex.sav, with the only difference between them being a spot of ocean near India--this is Firaxis' Earth (Standard) map--being covered or uncovered. EVERYTHING else, even the direction the ship I used was going, is EXACTLY the same. Now, I'm getting out my hex editor to see if I can create some mayhem...
                Attached Files


                • #23
                  The scenario file to allow you to chose your civ on real world map, historic position

                  This scenario uses a crude antartica to provide all 16 player starting sites...the map is satyajedi's with extra barbarians...

                  The point is that using jimmyh's save hack utility you can then START the scenario chosing the settings you want (ie your civ, the difficulty and the opponents).
                  When you are happy with your settings start the game.

                  When the game starts the screen will show your civ in Antartica...DON'T WORRY.

                  Save you game.

                  Exit civ3.

                  Load up the save hack utility and change the unit positions of each nation as I recommend in the txt file (all the files you need are in the attached zip file).

                  When you have done this SAVE the changes (his utility is bloody obvious, morons won't get THIS far!) with an appropriate name.

                  LOAD up civ 3...load the SAVE game that you created in the paragraph above.

                  PLAY -and then post here or at civfanatics (if the game settings haven't been posted here before)...detailing WHAT civ the human plays as and the difficulty setting.

                  N.B when you load up as per the paragraph above the screen will be "b" to build your first city and the area of the world you know will light up! (if you want to see the world already use the "wait" button and move your worker to reveal the map.

                  P.S To change the barbarian settings merely use the map edit with the game to edit the scenario I provide.

                  P.S.S WITH the zip file I provide here is also two saved games:
                  1. English at monarch difficulty...barbarians raging but I have pacified them in the British Isles so not to harm the player.

                  2. English at diety difficulty with EXTRA barbarians

                  Anyone who thinks they can structure this explanation of what to do better DO SO!

                  (I have compressed the files with winzip which can be d/l free at )

                  Attached Files


                  • #24
                    I have condensed all that I have done on this thread at which is my "home".

                    link to appropriate thread:


                    • #25
                      Gee... Great.
                      I'm sure that no one will use this utility in the Apolyton Tournament games.
                      "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                      • #26
                        Well that says more for the format of that tournament...if jimmyh hadn't done it someone else would...this is useful for single-player so to apolyton tournament...p.s it would be a fair amount of work for them and not without problems that could expose them if they are incompetent.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by kittenOFchaos
                          Well that says more for the format of that tournament...if jimmyh hadn't done it someone else would...this is useful for single-player so to apolyton tournament...p.s it would be a fair amount of work for them and not without problems that could expose them if they are incompetent.
                          i'd love to hear your suggestions for a better format kitten
                          Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                          Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
                 my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


                          • #28
                            I'm sure some thing could be placed into the saved file that could detect if some on has used this utility.



                            • #29
                              Originally posted by jimmyh
                              I'm sure some thing could be placed into the saved file that could detect if some on has used this utility.
                              james if you could work this out and provide me with the instructions so that i can do for every tournament, it would be great
                              Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                              Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
                     my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


                              • #30
                                Great work, maybe we wont have to wait for Firaxis to make more money out of us before we can start making scenarios?
                                I have walked since the dawn of time and were ever I walk, death is sure to follow. As surely as night follows day.

