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UTILITY: Save Game Editor v1.0

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  • #61
    Jimmy, where is it??

    Jim, your editor sounds great. However, I can't seem to find it. The link you provided merely directed me to page two of this thread, and there was nothing to download there.


    • #62
      Re: Jimmy, where is it??

      Originally posted by Malcolm XP
      Jim, your editor sounds great. However, I can't seem to find it. The link you provided merely directed me to page two of this thread, and there was nothing to download there.
      It is in a post at the second page

      The latest version of Civ3CopyTool has some save game edit functions in it (all for units right now).
      Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


      • #63
        KittenOFchaos asked that I post some of the save game starts that I've made. So far I have two that I've created that work best. France and Babylon (Warlord level). I choose this level because I was having trouble expanding and not getting partitioned on Regent! How can I playtest Middle and Industrial Ages, when my four neighbors keep carving me up?

        The map these are made on is my own (a 180x180 map).
        Its located on "World Map Using Modified Mercator Projection".

        Over the hills and far away,
        Through Flanders, Portugal and Spain,
        King George commands and we obey,
        Over the hills and far away.


        • #64
          Whenever I've tried using one of Kitten's saved games, I get an error when I try to open it:

          Data IO Operation
          System Error: CNSL

          So, sadly, I was unable to use his saved game.

          However, using the map provided by jimmy, Sat's world 3.0, with added Antarctica (and starting locations on Antarctica), and following jimmy's instructions, it only takes about 10 minutes or less to change coordinates for the players.

          I'm now playing as the Germans on Sat's map, with 15 opponents, and I'm doing quite well. Europe is a bit crowded, but as a result, I've been able to trade for most techs. Some civs do get space advantages - the Americans are #1 right now - but all in all, it's a good game. I'm debating whether to create save games for all the civs (or at least the cvis I'm likely to play.)

          Thanks a lot, jimmy! The small amount of effort we have to go through changing coordinates is a more than fair price to pay for accurate starting locations. Outstanding f*cking job, dude.


          • #65
            Originally posted by ajbera
            Data IO Operation
            System Error: CNSL
            CNSL is the name of a section in the SAV-files. I don't know what is stored there yet.
            Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


            • #66
              Is there a way you could set the comp to play all civs?.. so you could automatically test out a map or something?
              Vaul von Darkhour


              • #67
                the SGE 101 doesn't work here. Seems that Windows is missing an information to see it as a windows executable exe. Windows lists it as dos file.
                http://AlphaCentauri.US/ in English and German


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Gramphos
                  CNSL is the name of a section in the SAV-files. I don't know what is stored there yet.
                  The CNSL error usually occurs when the svegame was created with another BIC then your current civ3mod.bic (if you have add a unit to the BIC and loads an old file)
                  Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                  • #69
                    I now updated my windows 95 to win98 SE
                    Now Windows accepts it as an executable file, but when I call it and select the sav file to import, I get

                    SAVE GAME EDITOR verursachte einen Fehler durch eine ungültige Seite
                    in Modul SAVE GAME EDITOR.EXE bei 017f:00401670.
                    EAX=00fe8000 CS=017f EIP=00401670 EFLGS=00010283
                    EBX=bff55836 SS=0187 ESP=0063f724 EBP=bff54efc
                    ECX=00ac69e4 DS=0187 ESI=0040b410 FS=1ad7
                    EDX=00000003 ES=0187 EDI=00577ff4 GS=0000
                    Bytes bei CS:EIP:
                    80 38 55 0f 85 ec 00 00 00 80 78 01 4e 0f 85 e2
                    0063fb34 0063fb1c 000003e8 0063fb66 00a70346 0040b410 00654240 0000004c 00000b44 00000000 004091b0 00000000 00000000 00000001 0063f7a4 00000104
                    http://AlphaCentauri.US/ in English and German


                    • #70
                      If some one changes any rules when making a map then save game played on that map will also contain the rules data, I've not read any of this data in at the moment ( should be in the next version, which should be some time tonight, probably very late ).

                      Try using the standard and huge earth maps that come with Civ3.



                      • #71
                        Originally posted by jimmyh
                        If some one changes any rules when making a map then save game played on that map will also contain the rules data, I've not read any of this data in at the moment ( should be in the next version, which should be some time tonight, probably very late ).

                        Try using the standard and huge earth maps that come with Civ3.

                        The Save Game Editor built in in Civ3CopyTool v0.70+ loads any rules data. (That was what I could load before the savefiles.)
                        Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                        • #72
                          Oh and can you turn the fog of war off?
                          Vaul von Darkhour


                          • #73
                            Some people had problems with the saved games I provided that ALLOW you to play with historic positions as the english.

                            POSTs 9-10 of the thread below has working zip files them if you want to play england at monarch of diety level on an excellent world map with all civs in their historic positions.

                            In markusf's super growth strategy, it says when you reach monarchy, start irrigating, when you reach republic, you should have 15 cities with 15 settlers. Here's what I got AT BEST: monarchy-2 settlers, 5 cities republic-5 settlers, 12 cities (around 800 BC) He also said by the time you...


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Vaul Darkhour
                              Oh and can you turn the fog of war off?
                              The next version of the editor will enable you to turn the fog of war on or off .



                              • #75
                                Jimmy, I'm in the midst of a game using the huge earth map and accurate locations, and in the industrial ages, as the map fills up, the time between turns takes v-e-r-y long.

                                This seems (based on my forum readings) to be caused by the incredible number of calculations the CPU has to do to determine the linkage of trade routes, cultural and national boundaries, etc. of several hundred cities between 16 civs on such a big map. My wait time between turns (1630 AD, many civs in industrial era) is 1 to 2 minutes. There is a 30 second pause whenever a city is founded, presumably because the computer has to recalculate the trade network and national boundaries.

                                I'd like to try a 16 civ game on a large (140 x 140) earth map, but I have no such map. Do you know if one is around, or if we can commission somebody to make one? My maps never turn out looking accurate, and we've already seen some great ones from the community. I am so thrilled to have accurate starting locations that I'm going to finish my current game, excruciating as the wait-time is. It is going well, and I want to see it through to the end, even though it may take 5 or more minutes between turns by then.

