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pre-combat odds like in SMAX ?

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  • pre-combat odds like in SMAX ?

    So, Civ3 finally hit the west of Ireland...but I haven`t made up my mind just yet. As this is my very first posting in any of the Apolyton-forums (which I frequent more or less regularly since SMAC was released) I should really introduce myself - then again, who cares ? Just this much: Vel`s strat-guide made me buy the planetary pack and I`ve been hooked on SMAX for over a year now.
    As I only have Civ3 for a mere 10 hours, yet, I would really appreciate some answers - should there be any:
    1) is there any way of finding out about the odds (like in SMAX) before you enter a battle or is the palyer really expected to work this out himself ?
    2) has anybody gone through the trouble of writing a halfways decent tech-tree and some sort of a "unit requirement" table ?
    3) are there in-game stats like in SMAC/X such as faction overview, graph & stats, etc.

    I`m spomewhat beginning to doubt myself at this point. Are those features missing or am I just to thik to find them ?

  • #2
    Re: pre-combat odds like in SMAX ?

    Originally posted by Kliemann
    As I only have Civ3 for a mere 10 hours, yet, I would really appreciate some answers - should there be any:
    1) is there any way of finding out about the odds (like in SMAX) before you enter a battle or is the palyer really expected to work this out himself ?
    2) has anybody gone through the trouble of writing a halfways decent tech-tree and some sort of a "unit requirement" table ?
    3) are there in-game stats like in SMAC/X such as faction overview, graph & stats, etc.

    I`m spomewhat beginning to doubt myself at this point. Are those features missing or am I just to thik to find them ?
    I'll have a go at answering;

    1. The game will not show you the odds before combat. If you want to work them out, check out the discussion in Combat System Explained

    2. I have put together a tech tree (halfway decent, I hope) along with a Terrain, Unit and Building stats. You can find them in My CivStats post

    3. Once you have contacted other civs, you can click on the "H" on the right border of the Info Box to see the Histograph showing relative power of the civs you have contacted. You also get all kinds of information about other civs while negotiating deals with them.


    • #3
      I see, says the blind man...
      Nero, thanks a lot for the tech tree & the answers.

