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What if......

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  • What if......

    Below is a series of possible enhancements to the game that I've been thinking about. I don't know anything about the coding or AI. I'm just a player with some ideas I'd like to throw out there and let you guys chew em up.

    What if you could build an improvement that did nothing at all but add culture to the city? I imagine they would be something like a small wonder you could build a few of, maybe depending on the size of the map or the size of your empire. Alternatively, when you get a Great Leader, it could spark the building of a monument in one of your cities, (seen any old statues lately?) Other RL things that significantly add to the culture of an area or a nation are the Alamo, Mt. Rushmore, Big Ben, The Eiffel Tower, the Parthenon... things you think about when you think about a country.

    What if Explorers served a purpose? I don't know about the rest of you but the explorer comes so late I have never even built one. I can certainly understand why they are where they are, so I wouldn't necessarily push them forward. I might however, given the ability, add a new function to them. Explorers of old 'Claimed land in the name of... well you know.' Most of America belonged to someone else and had to be bought. Maybe explorers could claim untouched land kind of like a worker builds an irrigation network, a square at a time. This land could be used as a bargaining chip later, or it could keep enemy civs from planting down settlers there without declaring war.

    What if barbarian navies had a chance of becoming more organized pirates? They might inhabit some of those piddly little islands only the AI bothers to claim. They might be a serious pain but defeating them might net you much more than a measly 25 gold you get from other barbarian groups.

    This one is by far the most abstract and probably hardest to implement.... What if there was another way to lose? Many great civilizations met with a decline and fall. I don't need to name any, they're all over the world (many represented as barbarian tribes) I wouldn't want to see this abruptly end someone's game that's going good, so I would add one of those pre-game rule toggles, like diplomatic victory. Anyways. I imagine that when a civilization starts to stagnate... it's behind in all its research, its cities are coming in and out of disorder constantly, it suffers major military defeats. These and more could lead to the 'Decline of civilization' defeat. I could see a number of different results that might make it interesting when it happens to AI or multiplayer (whenever) The cities could become just empty shells of a once mighty empire, which others could come claim (probably with some existing improvements and maybe a hefty culture rating) The nation might instead split into others, like in Civ 2 when the capitol was seized, sometimes the empire would split, or when the USSR fell, we got more 'Stans' than we know what to do with. If it happened to you, your empire might get split in half and a portion of your military ousted from each city you formerly owned (the rest having joined the rebels). I think it would add an interesting twist. One other possible and less dramatic effect of suffering decline would be a change in leadership. Call it a bloody or bloodless coup, a major change in politics and the signing of a new constitution that changes an empire from militaristic and expansionistic, to commercial and industrious.

    These are just some things I've been thinking about that might enhance the gaming experience. I played recently as the aztecs twice, with my nearest neighbor both times as America. Both times I decided to go with strategies I've read on these forums, and be much more of a bully than usual, taking about half their cities. I thought it might be interesting if someday those foreign nationals in my cities might rise up and form a new nation, as has happened so many times throughout history. Please feel free to add, discuss, trash these ideas as you please, I'll be interested in watching.

    (btw sneak a peek at my website at )
    Last edited by Drathx; November 18, 2001, 14:48.
    Some 3d models and art work I've done.

  • #2
    New Ideas

    Doesnt anyone have any thoughts about these ideas, how they might be improved, new ones to add, how possible any of these might be to do in a mod?
    Some 3d models and art work I've done.


    • #3
      The ideas sound good, but I'm pretty sure it'd be close to impossible to do in a mod or scn or anything like that . We can't even make a good Civ 2 style scn right now -- the stuff you're suggesting is well beyond the scope of any game editing function I've seen (not that I've looked for many). Still, good ideas... just no clue how you'd do them...

      -- adaMada
      Civ 3 Democracy Game:
      PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
      Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton


      • #4
        Great ideas Drathx about explorers, pirate bases and the defeat. However, I don't think it should be a defeat as such, maybe after a great military defeat (eg: Austro-Hungarian Empire in WWI) your empire splits up into different ethnicities, and you're left with a small region full of loyal cities of the same or similar ethnicities. Also like the idea of a coup; could start because of high taxes, not enough pay for units or civ-wide revolts.


        • #5
          I thought of something more to add And it wouldnt really bother me if these ideas didnt make it into anything, its just fun to explore and maybe we can hit on something that's doable.

          I never liked how when you take an enemy city, theres rarely anything more than a aqueduct and a harbor if you're lucky. I can understand that the little animation we see isnt exactly representative of the intense fighting that goes on for control of the city... In my idea you would have a number of the buildings still around, but not functional, so you would have to spend some shields or money to restore them to working status, which of course would take time as the resisting population quiets down and returns to work.

          So who else has some wild ideas? Lets not worry about feasability issues. Just a free exchange of ideas here.

          Some 3d models and art work I've done.


          • #6
            Cruise Missiles

            I think theres something wrong with the way cruise missiles are treated in the game. Because of their range and the lack of units to transport them, they become a mostly defensive weapon to me, fired at incoming attackers. Instead I should be able to load them on Battleships, or Aegis Cruisers to fire on enemy cities, fortifications and improvements.
            That alone might be easy to do, here's a little bit of a harder solution. If you had a bomber in the same city/carrier as a cruise missile, the range of the missile would grow to become that of the bomber, to simulate that it was fired from the airplane.

            There was one more thing that kinda irked me about the space race victory I achieved playing the apolyton tournament game. I want to try a different victory before posting my score. Anyways, at that point in the game, I could build each section of the ship in just a few turns, and the techs to get the other pieces also came each in a few turns. All in all the victory came way too quickly and easily. Maybe its sort of a reward for having a well developed, highly productive empire, heh.
            A few suggestions, make the components more expensive... What if the player/AI chose a location to build the launch pad, making it more vulnerable to attack/sabotage, etc. The cities would build the components and they would end up at that site, to be launched when the ship is complete. The biggest problem I can see with this is that it would be too easy to use an ICBM on the site to immediately eliminate the competition.
            Some 3d models and art work I've done.

