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bugs & patches

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  • bugs & patches

    My system--P3 750, 256 RAM, 20gig HD, Win98, Creative 32 video.

    When I first tried to install the game, I went for the full install. However, after several tries, the install would come back after 72% or so and say that there was a corrupt file--the file on the CD did not match a certain audio file in the installer. I finally gave up but later decided to try the minimal installl which works fine. In the meantime, I had already asked for a replacement from Amazon which arrived today--I'm not sure if my orig. CD was defective or if the inability to do the full install is a bug on some systems.

    My second issue is gameplay--is there any way to reduce the level of corruption--My style of play is greatly hampered by huge levels of corruption which are not reduced by any means that I have tried--Democracy, courthouses, relocation of Capitol. This is an enormous bummer. Any suggestions?

  • #2
    there are already a number of threads about corruption; if you read around, you'll find some info.. Generally, corruption is worse than it was in Civ2, but it is manageable. For starters, build a forbidden palace. Also, the manual states that We Love the King Day lowers corruption

    edit: btw, fireaxis reps. (soren, in the chat transcript, I think) mentioned that they're looking on lowering the effect a bit.

