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LEADERHEAD: George W Bush (Animated)

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  • #31
    Blair looks great!

    Blair looks great! Good job!

    Oh, by the way, Mr. Ludwaffe, no war? Tell that to the families of the British or American special forces over in Afghanistan tonight, or to the families who lost loved ones on Sept. 11th. I doubt their response will be as polite as mine. Besides, it's only been 2 months. Two months after Sept. '39 (when WWII began), we Yanks weren't even in the war yet. Please be patient. This war is young.
    Lastly, may I ask you, does your comfortable existence in L.A. not consider New York part of your home? Are they not close enough to you? No? Again, be patient. This war is young. <- (in jail until I can afford a computer that will run Civ3)
    An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile,
    hoping it will eat him last.
    Winston Churchill


    • #32
      Ok Little Freaks, here it is...

      Animated Hitler Leaderhead, by request. (Germany) user: anonymous, no password
      file is in folder called LeaderHeads

      if you don't like it, don't download it, i don't want to hear grief.

      Play against the Reich, or as them, i don't care.
      Leaders changed to Himmler, Hess, etc.
      The popular Fascist gov mod is included in the bic file already.
      Germany changed to fav gov = Fascism.
      All else the same.

      This is the first animated head in the upcoming wwii mod.

      here's the preview, game image is standard size.
      Attached Files


      • #33
        New Leader head - Putin

        Added Prsident Vladamir Putin as your Russian leader user: anonymous, no password
        file is in folder called LeaderHeads
        Attached Files


        • #34
          Blame me for Hitler

          Thanks crazyroach. Very appreciated!

          Some more WWII leaders would be cool too, like Stalin, Churchill, FDR, etc.

          Now then, none of you politically correct yahoos better say one bad thing about crazyroach, since the Hitler head was my idea/request anyways!

          You wanna flame somebody, pick on somebody else and go after me. Lord knows you all assume anyone who even thinks about WWII Germany is labeled a nazi by you guys and you all get so damn high and mighty and we all know your morals are so much better than ours... yadda, yadda, yadda. So in advance lay off crazyroach!

          Keep up the good work Crazyroach... unfortunately today is my last full day in America... getting deployed to the Gulf tomorrow to defend the American way of life!
          Wolfshanze Mod: for BtS... adds "flavored Civs", coal-fired navies, WWI units, plus Poland, Austria & Vietnam to Civ4!


          • #35
            Oh by the way...

            Crazy Roach, the Hitler animation is good work, but I did realize something.

            You certainly did the "hard work" on the animations... I could never figure that out myself, but you seemed to have missed the "easy bit" with the still shots of happy/angry/content leaders in the "F4" Trade menu... for instance, I still see Bismarck's mug on the F4 trade menu!!!

            We're talking about the "leaderheads" directory on the Art folder of course.

            Obviously this should be an easy fix, and it's something I can even do myself as I do know how to manipulate still shots, but I just thought this might be something you want to look into to complete your excellent work!

            I will try to incorprate your head into the "official" Fascist Patch with your kind permission!
            Last edited by Wolfshanze; November 18, 2001, 14:27.
            Wolfshanze Mod: for BtS... adds "flavored Civs", coal-fired navies, WWI units, plus Poland, Austria & Vietnam to Civ4!


            • #36
              Originally posted by smellymummy
              it's terrbile that people can talk bad about bush. hopefully they are foreign and far away in a smelly hole. but in any case the FBI is watching
              Its not terrible, its American, or at least protected by our constitution. I think George Bush is an incompetant boob, and that in general the far right wing conservative agenda is both greedy and evil. I don't care what anyone says, the fact that because the rich pay more taxes hence they should get more money back is logical, but it doesn't account for the fact that the rich people are able to live very comfortably while most people in this country aren't making piles of money and could use it more. There's a certain point at which making more money doesn't really matter. I can say this by the same way that I'm protected if I want to burn a flag, or protest against the government. Just because I think George W. Bush is a talking bottom with feet doesn't mean that I'm anti-American or anything like that. In fact it means I'm more so, because I think that the greed which is so prevalent in the Republican party is decidedly UN-american.
              Gareth King
              "Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."


              • #37
                Hitler Foreign Advisor Pix

                Ok, here's the foreign advisor screen pix.

                1. Back up /art/advisors/BS_all.pcx
                2. Place this BS_all.pcx in /art/advisors

                that'll take care of the foreign advisor screen.
                next we'll have to do the victory /defeat images.
                Attached Files


                • #38
                  Hitler Foreign Screen Preview

                  Happy, Content, Angry

                  file in post right above this one.
                  Attached Files


                  • #39
                    Re: Blair looks great!

                    Oh, by the way, Mr. Ludwaffe, no war? Tell that to the families of the British or American special forces over in Afghanistan tonight, or to the families who lost loved ones on Sept. 11th. I doubt their response will be as polite as mine. Besides, it's only been 2 months. Two months after Sept. '39 (when WWII began), we Yanks weren't even in the war yet. Please be patient. This war is young.
                    Lastly, may I ask you, does your comfortable existence in L.A. not consider New York part of your home? Are they not close enough to you? No? Again, be patient. This war is young.
                    To the families of the British or American special forces, if they lose their loved ones in Afghanistan, they lost them in part of a glorified police action, no more a "war" than the one in Somalia where American servicemen were killed by warlords armed with rocket launchers. The ~5K people who died on 9.11 died in a terrorist action, a roughly three-hour long orchestrated attempt by a small amount of people to inflict terror, death, and suffering amongst a large amount of people.

                    Kinda like how small groups of American and British warplanes cause terror, death, and suffering amongst a large amount of people. But, of course, that's what the Afghani people get for being in Afghanistan, right?

                    If this 'war' is young in the same manner as WWII, who will we be fighting next year, when we've thrown the Taliban out of Afghanistan? Iraq? Saudi Arabia? Will we go help the Russians blow up Chechnya? There's a whole lot of countries out there that MIGHT just have some citizens who are hostile to America, so we might as well bomb everybody, just to be sure.

                    As for the la comfort comment, ignoring the fact that most of the people who died aboard the airplanes were going to la and thus for all you know loved ones of mine coulda been amongst those that perished (tho this is not the case), as an American citizen, I felt that the indiscriminate killing of thousands of Americas was, in a way, an attack on all of us, from AK to WY. And as much as I want to see those responsible suffer, carpetbombing another country to bring a small group of people to justice seems like a morally repugnant exericse. I guess it's the old question of do the ends justify the means? or, in Civ-terms,

                    If Shaka had to kill 10 workers in Egypt to kill 1 Archer in Thebes, would he still have a Spotless reputation?
                    "Magnificant bird, isn't it? Beautiful plumage."


                    • #40
                      New Hitler heads

                      Maybe you could try some of these images of Hitler... they're color!

                      Ufabet เข้าสู่ระบบ เว็บตรง เว็บหลักยูฟ่าเบท ทางเข้า Ufa สมัครฟรี Ufacash คาสิโนออนไลน์ไม่ผ่านเอเย่นต์ เล่นกับเรายูฟ่าแคชโบนัสแตกง่าย

                      Buy the domain name and launch your business with a premium domain and a high quality logo.

                      Wolfshanze Mod: for BtS... adds "flavored Civs", coal-fired navies, WWI units, plus Poland, Austria & Vietnam to Civ4!


                      • #41
                        since we're already past the point of no return...

                        ...I'll just put in my two cents about the operation against terrorism/Taliban. It is quite easy for certain people to sit back in the comfort of their American homes and denounce US actions in Afghanistan. I mean, we are no more than Nazis when it comes down to it, right? The United States has always been the evildoer, spreading those infernal ideas of democracy and freedom--what oppression! Those poor, poor Afghani women who now are able to go to school, laugh in public, feel like humans rather than property--who will save them from the imperial Americans and Brits?

                        The Taliban are--check that, were--an evil regime. Granted, it remains to be seen how much better the new government will be, but how could it be worse? And to those of you who make it a pastime to malign the egregious amounts of money spent on the Evil American War Machine--just how much of that money is spent developing capabilities which reduce the chances of innocents being killed? Were there really such things as surgical strikes from aircraft flying tens of thousands of feet above ground before we used them? You know, it is a lot cheaper to develop big and dirty weapons which take out the designated target and whatever else is in the vicinity. If we were really as Mr. Ludwaffe would have you believe, we would not waste billions of dollars eking out the last drop of precision from our weapons as we currently try to do.

                        I would venture to bet that most of those poor Afghanis welcome the overthrow of the Taliban as much as anything they could imagine. Given that we don't target civilians (you can't really believe this) and we engage enemies with the most technologically advanced and accurate weapons of any nation, how is this operation morally unjustified? Is the dismantling of the Taliban and subsequent assault on Al Qaeda not in the best interests of the world's population, most notably Afghanistan's?

                        I challenge anyone to come up with another country in recent memory more maligned relative to the good it has produced than the United States is today. The adage "damned if you do, damned if you don't" seems to fit perfectly. Yes, we want the Americans in the Middle East/Central Asia/Balkans/Africa but yet we don't really. We really just want to complain because America is bigger and more powerful than others, and so necessarily must be corrupt and evil and a bully, acting purely in its own interest and disregarding all rights, human and otherwise.

                        We are surely not the pristine embodiment of good, but we are certainly closer to it than most world powers have been. Do American and British warplanes cause death? Yes, people die when they are being attacked. Taliban and Al Qaeda members have chosen to contribute to evil and oppressive acts; for that they are being punished. It is obviously tragic when innocents are caught up in and get killed in attacks, but this is inevitable in war. The US and British forces fighting now are the closest humanity has come to being able to pick and choose targets and prosecute them with no side effects. People die in wars, even innocent people, but less die from these operations than ever before.

                        Kumbaya is nice and all, and sure, I'll imagine all the people living for the day, but until then (back in reality) there are still bad people who we need to get rid of, and it is our moral imperative to do so.


                        • #42
                          Hear hear Churchill,

                          Well said. Fortunately something like 88 to 90 percent of Americans, myself included, think like you instead of like some of the more vocal people on this forum. But hey, this is America and so they have the protected right to say what they do. Something that is a uniquely American thing to allow.

                          Timothy Pintello


                          • #43
                            roach, can you please do Ronald Regan next? I hope so, cause he was my favorite President. The Taliban better then God that he isn't President right now. If he was, we'd be saying "What Taliban" cause Ronald wouldn't mess around with them.


                            • #44
                              Hey, political people, be reminded that you can always come to Off-Topic!
                              "Spirit merges with matter to sanctify the universe. Matter transcends to return to spirit. The interchangeability of matter and spirit means the starlit magic of the outermost life of our universe becomes the soul-light magic of the innermost life of our self." - Dennis Kucinich, candidate for the U. S. presidency
                              "That’s the future of the Democratic Party: providing Republicans with a number of cute (but not that bright) comfort women." - Adam Yoshida, Canada's gift to the world


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Barnacle Bill
                                Why can't people leave that behind if it doesn't pertain to the game? .... If someone creates a mod to add a leader and you dislike that leader for ideological reasons, can't you just not use it instead of starting a mud-slinging contest?
                                I'm with you, BB. Civ3 is a good game without starting a bunch of political-opinion idiocy.


