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Resources -- Need Help

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  • Resources -- Need Help

    When do AI civs discover that they have new strategic resources?

    I'm ahead of the other seven civs in technology. Have Replaceable Parts and Refining and thus can see rubber and oil icons on the world map. No other civ has these technologies yet. However, several of them have more than one rubber or oil icons within their cultural sphere and thus should be aware of their existence. But when I check with my trade advisor, none of the other civs have rubber or oil to offer for trade.

    Unfortunately, my civ has no rubber or oil, even though it has the terrain for them. Unless I can get access to rubber, I won't be able to build one of the spaceship components (or mass transportation, which my over-40 pop cities need pretty badly). And unless I get access to oil, well, it's pretty much Bye Bye to any further military development. Since I play a "peaceful" game, I refuse to invade a country to strip it of any of its resources. So that leaves trade, because most, if not all, the terrain has been populated by now. Thus I need to know when, if ever, these two icons will appear on my Trade Advisor screen so that I can begin trade discussions with the civs that have them.

    Can anyone help? Thanks!

  • #2
    They will, like you, discover the resources as soon as they research the tech needed for it.

    And as soon as they do, you can trade with them (if they have any surplus and you are connected to them and they like you and...).

    So you could give them the needed tech or just wait until they research it themselves.
    Last edited by Todd Hawks; November 15, 2001, 14:58.

