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MAP: Real World Map

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  • #16
    Resource commentary:

    Canada, the world's largest uranium supplier, on this map has almost no uranium.

    Not sure about that ivory in mexico and australia.

    I think that the Carribean needs love. No real reason to colonize it. In reality, there'll all about cash crops, mainly sugar cane and tobacco. Could maybe put some spices in.

    Alaska needs some oil.

    Horses originated in Egypt AFAIK, and Egypt also really needs them for its War Chariot.

    England should have some iron.

    That's about it.

    I have to say this is the best looking computer game world map I've seen, I think, period! Very detailed, very geographically precise.


    • #17
      In case you missed it above version 2.0 is here.
      "It is not given to man to know what is right and what is wrong. Men always did and always will err and in nothing more than in what they consider right and wrong."


      • #18
        salpeter always there is where humans or animals are, ask chemicals.
        so salpeter must be much more overall. (How do you think the 30years war was possible?)

        Europe missing/wrong coal + iron + oil
        How do you think the 1st world war was possible
        All alumunium is placed wrong.
        http://AlphaCentauri.US/ in English and German


        • #19
          Re: Approval

          [QUOTE] Originally posted by Sparky
          I'm the guy who made the SMAC earth map. I'm known as Geography Boy to my friends.

          Map was fine, but lot of mistakes you made for recourses and relations of distances in Europe and Asia. So I had to correct it for SMAC that time.
          But it was a good base.
          http://AlphaCentauri.US/ in English and German


          • #20
            The map is taken from the Robinson Projection. The Aluminum, coal, iron and oil resources are based on a resource map found in a Rand McNally Atlas. Uranium and Gems are based on an online map. Couldn't find a map for Saltpeter, or the other resources and luxeries. Read articles and online Encyclopedias providing for general locations, which I used for placement. Not every coal/oil/iron/etc location appears on my map. I limited it to 21 for strategic resources. If game play indicated this is too much or too little, I'll change it.
            "It is not given to man to know what is right and what is wrong. Men always did and always will err and in nothing more than in what they consider right and wrong."


            • #21
              correct the Alps, they are much closer to the Middle Sea and more wide, no way through from Italy to north, only by ways along the coast to west or east

              Salpeter, the permanent problem. It's not a recource (Don't know what idiot did create that idea.) Salpeter has to been close to every starting point at least, or better so much everywhere where one may build a city.
              Salpeter is there where Humans and enemies are (made by our excrements and Urin in history!!!!!) So you can't find in any atlas/map sources for Salpeter, it's isnt one in fact.

              Germany one of the biggest recources of brown and black coal has, not only one little point, 4 different positions.

              North Spain: Pyrinee Mountains are a closed line from west to east, only a way at middle sea to north
              then nearby complete spain is forest in history.

              One more point: place the ilands of Azores (and maybe some other like Haway) as they had been until today a main strategic point for the transit from Europe tu America by air. Without these ilands in hand of US Hitler had win his 2nd world war as the air way had been otherwise via Alaska.

              Black Sea East side: Biggest Oil recource of the world!!
              http://AlphaCentauri.US/ in English and German


              • #22
                I compared the new and old versions side-by side. It looks like you tweaked almost every square on the map, adding forests and grasslands, a few mountains, and some minor costal changes.

                The modifies rules causes the tech tree to appear messed up in the actual game (not sure if this was fixed in 2.0)

                Good job removing ivory from most of the world, but the Americas originally had no horses either. If they want them, they'll have to trade.

                Venuzela is the US's largest source of oil, yet there isn't any oil there on the map.

                Overall, the map has much more grassland than before, and far fewer plains. I'm afraid this might make the world far more hospitable than it actually is. You may be better going for the overall plains/grasslands mix from version 1 (especially in Europe and maybe in China). As ZEB also pointed out, plains make much better looking coastines than grasslands. The grassland coasts often look bloated.

                Prussia has very poor soil, and used to be called the "sandbox of Europe." Likewise, as you put in version2, Spain is much drier than France (this is especially visible from Space). Thanks for noting this. I'm not sure Korea has so much inabitable space, though.

                France's Loire River Valley is missing, as well as the Seine. You have plenty of room to include both.

                Mongolia probably should have the Selenga River. I believe that Karakhortum was situated between two of its tributaries.

                Does England have horses natively? I think so, but need to check.

                The Egyptians invented wine, but they have no wines! (BTW, good job adding floodplains to the Nile)

                The Greece/Turkey are from version 1 looked more realistic. It allowed for fortifications at Corinth and Constantinople, but neither are possible in the new version.

                You made Ohio into hills and grasslands. As someone who lives amongst its vast cornfeilds, I assure you Ohio has little of either Forested Plains are much more accurate. May want to add grains to the vast, empty Great Plains.

                You mentioned problems with Italy. If you're willing to extend Italy 2 squares farther south, using the original Greece coastline, you can get enough room to make the shape of the boot and have Sicily.

                Not sure if it's possible, but by default, Civ3 jungles ahve grasslands underneath. In reality the soil of deforested rainforests is very poor.

                Thanks for reading and good luck!
                Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. And perhaps everyone else, too.


                • #23
                  Thanks for the pointers Sparky and Dreifels.

                  Tech tree, I believe gets messed up when you do any editing.

                  One vote for less grassland. I like playing with less grassland too but I figured I'd see what people thought of this. As I noted earlier I didn't use Grassland accurately in that version but simply to locate major (current) cities. I like placing real world cities in real locations when I play. Jungles and forest have ppor soil. I wonder if I can change the default for jungles being cleared. I'd like too.

                  If I remove horse from the Americas I feel required to remove Rubber from the Old World. It's only native to the Americas. Horses as I understand are native to mainland Eurasia.

                  Saltpeter I'll check on. The Encyclopedia did give locations for current producers.

                  For wines I used modern production areas. Egypt wasn't high enough on the list. Historically those grapes are only native to Western Eurasia. Historical or madern, that's the question.

                  Venezuela has one Oil. It's on a jungle squa

                  re. I modified the scenario to permit this. Double check and let me know if its there (on the coast).

                  Coal. There is one in Germany, and one next door in Poland. Maybe not enough realistically. Unless I allow more than 21 strategic resources I'll have to rob someone else. I'll look.

                  Baku needs oil! Who should lose some? Maybe one from the Persian Gulf?

                  the Alps: I pulled out the ruler and the calculater and they should be further south.

                  Loire and Seine: with the Rhine so near I wasn't sure they were needed.

                  Mongolia: I hoped the Kerulen/Cherlen would be enough

                  I spent hours on Italy/Greece/Istanbul. I finally gave up. I'll try again. If I connect Istanbul to Turkey, then you need to build Istanbul to get out of the Black Sea. Good Idea? (Why couldn't they have kept the Civ 2 rules?)

                  Azores and Hawaii are there.

                  Ohio's hills will disappear.

                  Alps/Pyrenees: artisitic licence. I'll look at closing the gaps but the idea was to allow Barcelona and Milano more food squares.

                  Again thanks for the pointers. Never been to Ohio, but I did love Germany.
                  "It is not given to man to know what is right and what is wrong. Men always did and always will err and in nothing more than in what they consider right and wrong."


                  • #24
                    Just had to say thanks for doing that great map, it really is spot on - and so massive. Should keep me going for the next few months (much better than that awful map that was included with Civ III).

                    In answer to your question, I would go historical if I were you.

                    Also do southern Ireland and Cornwall in England need to be extended?

                    Thanks again.
                    I've seen things that you people wouldn't believe.


                    • #25
                      I adjusted Ireland in the south. Cornwall I left. It doesn't look long enough because the Bristol Channel isn't there.

                      I adjusted Italy. It looks like a boot, but now there isn't a channel between it and Sicily. Tell me if you can still sail south around Sicily so you care? Turkey was adjusted as well. You must build Istanbul to get out of the Black Sea. Which do you prefer? Greece I tried to touch up as well.

                      The Alps and the Pyrenees were expanded slightly. Not fully accurate, but better, I hope.

                      For those of you playing this map let me know how resources work. 21 strategic for 16 civs. Still debating historical vs modern placement of Horses/rubber/wine etc.
                      "It is not given to man to know what is right and what is wrong. Men always did and always will err and in nothing more than in what they consider right and wrong."


                      • #26
                        Regarding such things as the Bosporos, Suez, Panama, and Kiel I much prefer it where cities are needed to be built in order to secure passage. I find that it is much more realistic. For example, Russia could never 'force the straights' without having taken Constantinople thus bottling any Black Sea Fleet in. I feel that therefore leaving one-hex landbridges is the most accurate way to portray this.


                        • #27
                          sorry, but sparky's knowledge of history Europe isn't right.
                          - England got horses by keltic
                          - east border of East Sea (Baltic) was wet grass land and forest
                          - Spain was as wet as france and hat 90% forest
                          - Egypt had wine up from 3000 BC inall oasis southwest
                          However, nearby all in Europe building lot of ships between 500 + 1500 AC (Spain, England, Portugal, Baltic) need forest a lot and the result was waste land )as in Spain today)
                          So, if you create a map you have to look how the world was 3000 BC, not like it is today.
                          http://AlphaCentauri.US/ in English and German


                          • #28
                            Four stars? Four?

                            Whoever voted you must tell me what to do to reach five in your mind. I must have five.
                            "It is not given to man to know what is right and what is wrong. Men always did and always will err and in nothing more than in what they consider right and wrong."


                            • #29
                              Starting positions

                              The map looks great , but what about the player starts ?
                              Can t you 'force' certain civs to spawn on certain locations ?

                              I wanted to play the map with the indians and i ended up at the Nile ;(.

                              If there is a way for me to start in India , plz let me know.

                              Good work tho,


                              • #30
                                Theres an editor on this site somewhere that allows you to edit start locations after the first turn. It suggests altering all start locations on a map to a remote area first. Your other option is to keep reloading until you start in the right place.
                                "It is not given to man to know what is right and what is wrong. Men always did and always will err and in nothing more than in what they consider right and wrong."

