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Air Superiority Bug Work Around

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  • Air Superiority Bug Work Around

    Air Superiority Bug Work Around

    Intro: When the AI sends bomber after bomber you can't shoot them down. Those bombers wreak havoc on the lines. Your fighters don't engage nor do the SAM city improvements. But on the other side the AI and shoot down your planes. It's a confirmed bug.

    What's Changed: To get around the Air Superiority BUG Air Power was disabled. This means no one can build the following Units:

    Jet Fighter
    Stealth Fighter and Bomber

    Units that were kept are:

    All rocket units
    Helicopter (used as a transport)
    The SAM Missile Battery Improvement was also kept since it is needed to build the Strategic Missile Defense small wonder.

    Technologies of Flight and Advanced Flight were kept and left on the default settings. Flight enables an Airport city improvement and is needed to advance from the Industrial Era to the Modern Era. Advanced Flight will enable the Paratrooper and Helicopter Units but is not needed to achieve the Modern Era. Again, these are the default settings and are listed here just incase you are wondering why you still need to study Flight and what you get if you study Advanced Flight.

    AI build settings for American and Russian civilizations were set to often build Air Units. This setting was change to often build Artillery Land Units for both civilizations.

    Map: Does not come with a map.

    Using: Instead of clicking New Game click on Load Scenario and pick this Scenario file name from where ever you saved the file.


    Scenario Files:
    - Air-Superiority-Bug-Work-Around.bic -- No Resource Modification
    - Res-Air-Superiority-Bug-Work-Around.bic
    Strategic Resource Appearance Ratios were all increased by 100... the more opponents the more resources. I like this one the mostest.


    ps.. maybe this should go in the files section but it helps until the patch is released
    Attached Files