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CIV: Taliban, Crash Free!

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  • #16
    That you would be willing to play a game that "honors" this person by including him amongst the great historical civilizations while bodies are still being recovered at the WTC and coalition troops are in the field is abominable.
    Among the great historical civilizations that have committed many atrocities throughout the world , most of which far , far worse than Osama ever did. Many of those leaders are represented in the Civ 3 game. For example, I am often amazed at how people can react so emotionally when a Hitler or Osama leaderhead comes out, but NO reaction whatsoever with having Firaxis-approved Mao Tse-Tung in the game, playing the Chinese as him and having him in the game! This is a man who killed 40 million people!!! 40 million! More than Hitler and Osama combined! Also, I wonder how people would react if there were cameras around during the campaigns of Alexander, Caesar, and soon to be Firaxis approved Genghis Khan. How about if we had seen what Lincoln's generals did to the South? American backed dictatorships in Latin America have killed far more than the 4000 people killed by Osama in the WTC. These dictatorships were often brutally oppressed their people and in many instances, the American gov. openly overthrow a Democratically elected government in install a more friendly Hitler-like dictator who would ruthlessly kill their own people. But nobody says anything about that and the other civs, they're just great historical civilizations.

    who would play as this civ, i don't know,
    Who would play a WW2 scenario representing Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany? Josef Stalin and the Soviet Union? Well, um, 99% of Civilization players. Oy, hypocrisy is rampant in this thread! And in this mod, unlike playing Nazi Germany in a WW2 scenario, where you know what kind of regime it was and what it did, you can make the Taliban whatever you want it to be. This isn't a 9-11 scenario, its just a additional civilization where you start from 4000 BC. For example, your Taliban can be the most peace loving civilization in the world! Its your game, you can do whatever you want!

    Yeah...but...calling the Taliban a civilization is like making the Columbian Contras a civilization...
    Well, how about calling the Americans a civilization? Its a country that has only been known in the civilized for world for about 500 years, has only been of any kind of importance for maybe 150, also, its a mish mosh of cultures that are already represented in the Civ game, even the "native" americans probably came from Asia.

    If they count as a Civ, then so should every political party Latin America's had over its 180 years of revolution v. counter-revolution.
    Or how about if one calls the Iroquois a Civ, then one should call every single Native/Aboriginal tribe to be a Civilization? Also, why so technical? Since when have creators been historically perfect or accurate? I mean, look at the boards full of all these crazy looking maps, and space civilizations, Alpha-Centuri or whatever its called, i have no interest in that whatsoever but I don't critisize it, if that makes them happy, its fine with me. And speaking of accuracy, the how about the Firaxis decision to put the Aztecs in the game, but not the Spanish who only "discovered" and colonized most of the New World. They also put Montezuma as leader of the Aztecs but the only reason Firaxis and anyone else even knows Montezuma, is because he was the leader when the Spanish took over! He was a disaster for the Aztecs, its like putting Emperor Nero or Caligula as leader of the Romans or Herbert Hoover or Richard Nixon as leader of the Americans! Sounds funny doesn't it?


    • #17
      Well, then just install the Fascist Patch, and have the Fascists over-run the Taliban!
      How about just playing the Americans and giving Osama and his terrorist organization a lot of money and weapons when another Civ you don't like tries to invade?


      • #18
        I can't download the files

        Hey Crazyroach.
        I can't download the Osama files, it says file not found. It's the same with Bush, Blair and the rest of them. Could you please fix this?


        • #19
          I cant wait to play against Old "Binnie" . If I find Flickster and get some AT-AT pictures from SW:GB. Then I can stomp Bim Laden's arse in my AT-AT. Watch out Bin Laden The Galatic Empire is after you, General Veers has a little score to settle with him (I know Vader and Palpatine run the Empire but hey its my Civilization ).
          (It would be quite funny to see Bin Ladens "Conqured" picture in this picture. He would probidly say "Mesa suld nota messed with the Amerikans - Old Binnie" He would be sounding like Jar Jar Binks)->
          Last edited by CivGeneral; August 15, 2002, 23:13.
          "All your base are belong to us" -Cats | "You don't leave an enemy at your back. Not if you like living." - Mara Jade | "You know the first rule in combat? ...shoot them before they shoot you." - Faye Valentine


          • #20
            Originally posted by Civfan01
            I cant wait to play against Old "Binnie" . If I find Flickster and get some AT-AT pictures from SW:GB. Then I can stomp Bim Laden's arse in my AT-AT. Watch out Bin Laden The Galatic Empire is after you, General Veers has a little score to settle with him (I know Vader and Palpatine run the Empire but hey its my Civilization ).
            (It would be quite funny to see Bin Ladens "Conqured" picture in this picture. He would probidly say "Mesa suld nota messed with the Amerikans - Old Binnie" He would be sounding like Jar Jar Binks)->
            I think the US Military was waaaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of ya...

            I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


            • #21
              Re: I'm Brazilian !! YAHOO !!

              Originally posted by HardRock!!
              Hey.... and don't forget the Mother Russia...

              Every Civilization made their mistakes, but don't judge the civilization for the 1 person's mistake.
              Well Taliban is definitely not a civ and they have made nothing but mistakes.

              Afganistan would probably qualify as a civ, it has a long history and was quite a modern country sme years ago.
              Try my Lord of the Rings MAP out: Lands of Middle Earth v2 NEWS: Now It's a flat map, optimized for Conquests

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