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Help with developing additional resources

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  • Help with developing additional resources

    I would appreciate it if anyone could provide me with advice on how to generate additional resources such as copper, lead, tin, nickel, zinc, silver and diamonds and platinum group metals as opposed to just altering the existing ones. If it could be done I believe it would greatly enhance the diplomacy/trading aspects of the game as well as providing more reason for confrontations and being closer to reality.

    The aluminium resource in the game should really be a bauxite resource. Generally speaking you mine 4 tonnes of bauxite and process it to produce two tonnes of alumina, which are refined to produce one tonne of aluminium.

    Each one of the metals/resources stated in the first paragraph is one of the major traded commodities of the world and have specific historical usages and often occur in conjunction with certain other metals and in certain geographic locations:

    Most metallic ores contain a variety of metallic elements for example silver and gold or lead, zinc & silver, or copper, silver & gold or nickel, copper & platinum group metals although concentrations of induvidual metals do often occur, particularly gold. Diamonds, iron ore and bauxite always occur induvidually.

    Copper and tin were both required to make bronze and therefore they should be a pre-requisite for spearmen and bronze age units. Note Copper and tin are moderately abundant minerals. Copper has important electronic applications in the modern era.

    Lead should be required for weapons requiring bullets and is used in the manufacture of batteries.

    Nickel is required to make stainless steel and has many modern military applications.

    Zinc is an important anti corrosive metal and should be required as a prerequisite for modern battelships, it also has uses in medicine and batteries.

    Silver has uses in photography and electronics applications, but more importantly was the world's major currency until the modern era when silver was effectively demonetised.

    Diamonds have important industrial applications and are also extensively both the mining and oil & gas industries for drilling purposes.

    Platinum group metals have important uses in recycling (catalytic converters for cars), for example a civilization with access to platinum group metals would be able to reduce its pollution from population as well as the metal providing extra trade revenue.

    Most deposits are of varying sizes and could provide access to a resource for anything from a few turns to indefinitely. Obviously metal demands in the ancient era are nowhere near the same size of those of the modern era. A deposit size indicator could be a useful addition.

    Most modern large metallic resources are dominantly produced in one region of the world, that potentially produces anything from a third to half of the world's requirement for that metal. For example bauxite (aluminium - refined in Russia, USA and Europe) occurs mainly in South America and Africa, copper in South America, iron ore in Brazil, Carribean and Africa, zinc-lead and silver in China, North & South America, tin in South-East Asia, nickel in Canada and Russia, platinum group metals in Russia and South Africa and diamonds in Russia and South Africa. Oil and gas occurs in a variety of regions/basins throughout the world.
    Coal is an avaiable resource in most countries throughout the world.

    In addition I would also like to try and implement the following mineable resource changes:

    The benefits of mineable resources such as gold, iron, coal, uranium, oil resources shouldn't be accessible until a mine/well has been built/drilled, even in ancient times some type of mining and processing installation was required to access the ore prior to extraction and refinement.

    Also the productivity of mining operations could be enhanced over time by certain of the existing advances allowing enhanced development of mining operations such as the development of sluicing operations (middle ages) +1, basic mining regulations and crude processing plants of the industrial age +2 resources and modern mining techniques +3/4 resources.

    Spacibo (Thanks)

    The English Cossack

  • #2

    I have no idea, but I would like to add the need to new terrain types.

    I would like types like swamp, volcano's, icy mountains, ...

    Is that possible too?



    • #3
      The idea about mines increasing over time, among other ideas, might be a good idea to put in the game, but unfortunately at this time there are no such flags or options which make that possible. This game is being a pain in the ass to modify, especially for a Civ game. Ah well, it clearly wasn't designed with modability in mind so I guess it could be worse.

      I'll try to see if terrain and resources can be added, but I'm not confident they can be. They are likely internal indexes which control the amount of resources, among other obstacles such as the AI not knowing how to weight the value of certain resources (or can it?). But who knows, anything is possible.
      Better to be wise for a second than stupid for an entire lifetime.

      Creator of the LWC Mod for Civ3.


      • #4
        I was looking through the creation files forum and I saw that someone said they were able to add resources, but I'll have to go back and check who it was. However, I agree with you that you can change many of the existing features in the game, but for some reason you cannot add additional features, maybe the programming is not flexible enough to do so, I'm afraid I'm not a programmer so I don't really know.

        Still I thought that some of my ideas were good, I sent them to Firaxis once before after Alpha Centauri was released but they never replied or enquired. Some of the aspects of the game could be made much better if, they had consulted with experts regarding certain topics prior to developing the code.

        Also the ironclad sound effect is annoying, particularly when you have 50 or so lying off you cost doing very little damage every turn.

        I'll try and find out who was able to add resources.


        The English Cossack


        • #5
          I just figured it out about an hour or so ago after I posted, so just check my Topped thread in this same forum. It's a tutorial and it shows exactly how to add new Resources to the game.

          Let the fun begin
          Better to be wise for a second than stupid for an entire lifetime.

          Creator of the LWC Mod for Civ3.


          • #6
            Thanks Plutarch,

            But I can't find the cotton graphic yet, can you post it again or tell me again. Its getting late here in Moscow and tonights the Ukraine - Germany world cup playoff so I'll check tomorrow.

            Thanks for all your help


            The English Cossack

