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MAP: AlphaCentauri100x100map v2.5

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  • MAP: AlphaCentauri100x100map v2.5

    I converted this map of the Sid Meier Alpha Centauri planet map directly using my Advanced MapUtility into a 100x100 map for Civ III.

    It is a version 2.5, so it has decent rivers, a good assortment of resources, and also goody huts and barbarian camps.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    bug in maps

    It looks like there is a bug in your maps. I already posted about the NA one on the civfanatics forum, but now I've got more info. I think for some reason your maps (created with the Advanced Map thingy?) let civs found cities closer to the poles (top or bottom edge of map) than they should. Attached are some sample savegames, both created in the same way: I used the Civ3 mapeditor and created a bit of land by the pole with all the player starting locations. Then I played until I got mapmaking. With the Civ3-inlcuded world map, it works fine to trade world maps. With your AlphaCentari map (or the NorAmer one, BTW), trading World Maps with a civ with a city on the edge causes the game to crash. Hope you can get this worked out, these are great maps and I like the idea of the converter (are you going to make a Win2000 version?)
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Yes, founding cities to (too?) close to the poles will crash the game.
      I recognized this while playing one of my maps: poles were connected to continents, an ai-civ placed a city in an square next to a "pole-square" and the game crashed.

      Patch, please .


      • #4
        Wow... that's weird... I'll have to look into that...


        • #5
          Originally posted by RangerOne314
          Wow... that's weird... I'll have to look into that...
          No, no, this happens, too, when playing random maps!
          It's not your "mistake" .


          • #6
            I was wondering... if it wasn't a general problem... just to be sure I had the codes right for my maps... I went in and normalized the maps using Civ3 editor so the codes would be right for sure... (and to put in resources)

            it may seem a little neglegent, but I've spent no time actually playing on my maps, since I'm waiting until Firaxis puts out the patch which allows you to place Civ's on SPECIFIC starting points... (why play the Russians in Spain?) LOL

            That, and I've been busy with having 3 wisdom teeth pulled, hunting for a house (which our offer for was accepted!), studying for graduate classes, working 3 1/2 days a week, taking care of my 3 year old, programming, and designing new maps... I HAVE made a nice world map from Civ2, I haven't finished adding resources or goody huts yet...

            Right now my Advanced MapUtility only makes 100x100 maps, but that was from what I decoded of the header, and because I created a dummy header file from an existing 100x100 map... now that I have the rest of format for .bic that was posted... I should be able to seriously perfect the MapUtility, and post both TINY and SUPERHUGE 256x256 maps...

            I run Windows 98 on my computer, but I have a dual boot, and a few months ago I tested MapUtility version 2.7, and it worked on Windows 2000, so MapUtility version 3.0 and the Advanced MapUtility should work just fine on Win2000... Just have to have DirectX installed - not a problem for most people,

            It'll blow peoples minds when I get rivers, resources, and starting points into my SuperMap I created... I created a supermap that is 4,320 x 2,160... so there are 12 tiles for each degree (360x180) on the globe. 20+ terrain types are defined, and elevations are accurate to 16 meters... The supermap can be converted into a bitmap or .pcx (grey or color), Civ2, Civ3, Alpha Centauri, CallToPower, CallToPower2, or Railroad Tycoon II...

            You just draw a box around the portion of the world you want to create a map from, or specify longitude/latitude coords, and bingo! Instant Civ3 map of anywhere in the world, with rivers, resources, elevations, terrain types, and Civ starting points...


            • #7
              Originally posted by RangerOne314
              [...] That, and I've been busy with having 3 wisdom teeth pulled, [...]
              Cool, "wisdom teeth" till now i didn't know the english word for "Weisheitszähne"/german. I like word-by-word translations .

              Sorry for this spam ,


              • #8
                maps messed up!

                I have downloaded your map 3 times, still all messed up, the edges of the map have all the wrong tiles all jumbled together. Maybe it is just me but I would not play on such maps. Clean ones would be better maybe check your advanced map utility, maybe it needs to be more advanced! (Just kidding!)

                Desert Dog
                Thanks ~ Desert Fox (Real Nickname)
                Fleet Admiral - NeoTech Games Network - Game News & Game Modding Community


                • #9
                  Originally posted by RangerOne314
                  It'll blow peoples minds when I get rivers, resources, and starting points into my SuperMap I created... I created a supermap that is 4,320 x 2,160... so there are 12 tiles for each degree (360x180) on the globe. 20+ terrain types are defined, and elevations are accurate to 16 meters... The supermap can be converted into a bitmap or .pcx (grey or color), Civ2, Civ3, Alpha Centauri, CallToPower, CallToPower2, or Railroad Tycoon II...

                  You just draw a box around the portion of the world you want to create a map from, or specify longitude/latitude coords, and bingo! Instant Civ3 map of anywhere in the world, with rivers, resources, elevations, terrain types, and Civ starting points...
                  Thats incredible! I wonder how far Civ3 can be pushed as far as map sizes go? 256X256 is the largest ive seen now, but I wonder if larger is possible?

