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Tile Improvements

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  • Tile Improvements

    Anyone have any idea about how to add tile improvements. Or will this even be an option with the new editor.

    The thing is the editor list by terrain, a checkmark for each terrain type that represents, the existing improvements. I was thinking of making/changing things for a futuristic mod. Things like:

    • Irrigation -- Grass, Plains, Flood Plains, Desert, Hills
    • Farm -- Grass, Plains, Flood Plains
    • Hydroponic Farm -- All except Mountains
    • Mine -- All Except Forest/Jungle
    • Automated/Robotic Mine -- All Except Forest/Jungle
    • Deep Core Mine -- Mountains Only
    • Auto/Robotic Deep Core Mine -- Mountain Only
    • Tree Farm -- Forest/Jungle Only
    • Rail Road -- Movement / 10 | +1 Improvement
    • Maglev -- Unlimited Movement | +2 Improvement
    • Fisheries -- Need a water worker
    • Automated Fisheries -- Need a water worker
    • Underwater Pipeline -- Roads unusable by units but allows resource extraction
    • Underwater (something) -- Roads usable by units as well

    Couldn't think of anything off hand to call that last one.

    Problem is I see no way to create any of these. Or most of them anyway. Not with the current editor. Also, unless they change the way the rules are handled, not with a future editor either.

    Another thing I was looking at. I think the hills should vary with terrain type. I think there should be Tunda, Grassland, Plains, and Desert Hills. Each terrain affecting its food and production accordingly. Again, probably too much to ask. Anyone witha ny ideas.

    Oh well, a man can dream. Happy Gaming!
    Yours in gaming,