I'm betting they just copied this file from SMAC, but there's always the chance it's a good sign. Check the menu.txt file in your /text directory. Here's the interesting parts:
It also has some listing for what seems to be a network game.
I'm rather guessing this is in fact just reused from SMAC, but I find it amusing if nothing else. I believe they've done the same things with other files too.
Makes you wonder though, doesn't it?
Activate Scenario Editor|Ctrl+K
Omniscient View|Y
Create Unit...|Shift+F1
Edit Unit...|Ctrl+Shift+F1
Technological Breakthrough|Shift+F2
Edit Technology...|Ctrl+F2
Set Difficulty Level...|Ctrl+Shift+F3
Set Energy Reserves...|Shift+F4
Set Mission Year...|Shift+F5
Eliminate Faction...|Shift+F6
Reload Faction|Ctrl+Shift+F6
View Replay...|Shift+F7
View Movies...|Shift+F8
Reset Technology|Ctrl+F8
Reset All Factions|Ctrl+Shift+F8
Edit Faction Diplomacy|Shift+F9
Edit Custom Rules|Shift+F10
Edit Scenario Rules|Shift+F11
Edit Scenario Parameters|Shift+F12
Edit Scenario Victory|Ctrl+Shift+F12
Load Scenario|Ctrl+Shift+F7
Save Scenario|Ctrl+F7
Save Map|Ctrl+F5
Load Map|Ctrl+Shift+F5
Place Elevations|1
Place Rocky Squares|2
Place River Sources|3
Place Special Resources|4
Place Unity Pods|5
Place Terrain Enhancements|6
Cover/Uncover Map Squares
Place Minor Landmark Squares
Place At Cursor|Ctrl+Left (+Shift paints)
Remove At Cursor|Ctrl+Right (+Shift paints)
Paint & Editor Only Mode|SCROLL LOCK
Change Brush Size|7
Toggle Round/Flat Map
Set Climate And World Parameters|8
(Slow) Generate Random Map|9
(Fast) Generate Random Map|0
Generate/Remove Fungus
Randomize Rockiness
Randomize Resources & Beacons
Toggle Random Resources & Beacons
Clear Map (All Ocean) and Set Size
Apply Polar Caps
Clear Terrain Enhancements
Toggle "Editor Only" Mode|Ctrl+Shift+F10
General Concepts
Advanced Concepts
Base Buildings
Social Engineering
Basic Unit Types
Chassis Types
Weapon Types
Defense Types
Reactor Types
Special Abilities
Interface Tour
Terraforming Tour
Base Control Tour
Social Engineering Tour
Design Workshop Tour
Drone Riot Details
About Civilization III|Ctrl+Shift+F4
Show Version Number|Ctrl+F4
Activate Scenario Editor|Ctrl+K
Omniscient View|Y
Create Unit...|Shift+F1
Edit Unit...|Ctrl+Shift+F1
Technological Breakthrough|Shift+F2
Edit Technology...|Ctrl+F2
Set Difficulty Level...|Ctrl+Shift+F3
Set Energy Reserves...|Shift+F4
Set Mission Year...|Shift+F5
Eliminate Faction...|Shift+F6
Reload Faction|Ctrl+Shift+F6
View Replay...|Shift+F7
View Movies...|Shift+F8
Reset Technology|Ctrl+F8
Reset All Factions|Ctrl+Shift+F8
Edit Faction Diplomacy|Shift+F9
Edit Custom Rules|Shift+F10
Edit Scenario Rules|Shift+F11
Edit Scenario Parameters|Shift+F12
Edit Scenario Victory|Ctrl+Shift+F12
Load Scenario|Ctrl+Shift+F7
Save Scenario|Ctrl+F7
Save Map|Ctrl+F5
Load Map|Ctrl+Shift+F5
Place Elevations|1
Place Rocky Squares|2
Place River Sources|3
Place Special Resources|4
Place Unity Pods|5
Place Terrain Enhancements|6
Cover/Uncover Map Squares
Place Minor Landmark Squares
Place At Cursor|Ctrl+Left (+Shift paints)
Remove At Cursor|Ctrl+Right (+Shift paints)
Paint & Editor Only Mode|SCROLL LOCK
Change Brush Size|7
Toggle Round/Flat Map
Set Climate And World Parameters|8
(Slow) Generate Random Map|9
(Fast) Generate Random Map|0
Generate/Remove Fungus
Randomize Rockiness
Randomize Resources & Beacons
Toggle Random Resources & Beacons
Clear Map (All Ocean) and Set Size
Apply Polar Caps
Clear Terrain Enhancements
Toggle "Editor Only" Mode|Ctrl+Shift+F10
General Concepts
Advanced Concepts
Base Buildings
Social Engineering
Basic Unit Types
Chassis Types
Weapon Types
Defense Types
Reactor Types
Special Abilities
Interface Tour
Terraforming Tour
Base Control Tour
Social Engineering Tour
Design Workshop Tour
Drone Riot Details
About Civilization III|Ctrl+Shift+F4
Show Version Number|Ctrl+F4
It also has some listing for what seems to be a network game.
I'm rather guessing this is in fact just reused from SMAC, but I find it amusing if nothing else. I believe they've done the same things with other files too.
Makes you wonder though, doesn't it?