I am not sure if this is the right place to post this or not, but I am having a problem unzipping files. Unzippng and extracting them is easy, but how do I go about putting all of these patches in my game without erasing the prior ones. I mean I will extract the facist patch and get it working good, then if I extract the spain patch I will have that in my game but I will lose the facist info. How can I get rid of this problem, or is it even possible. I am still learning how to do this so I have very limited knowledge of how win zip and all these files work so any and all help will be greatly appreciated.
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Ziping files
When you load the Spain scenario, you cannot also load the Facsist mod during the same game. Both scenario files should still be present on your hard drive under the \Civilization III\Scenarios\ directory. They won't dissappear unless you purposely erase them.
The only way (currently) to use both modifications at the same time would be to use the CivEdit program and make your own scenario that combines the two.
Hope this helped."Veritas Vos Fugare Facet"