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  • Corruption

    I am having problems reducing corruption and the courthouse improvement is trivial. I am seeing 95+ percent loss of
    productivity and commerce in distant cities. I see this even under democracy. At present I am playing at chieftain or warloard.

    I see 35 out of 36 commerce lost to corruption
    11 12 production loss.

    This seems to make having large distant cities pointless.
    It is really bad when you expand in two directions the Forbidden
    City only helps in one. Any sugestions

  • #2
    Yeah, first off, relocate your capitol by building a palace if it makes sense to relocate it.
    Secondly, you can use the editor the make the police station reduce corruption - makes sense, doesnt unbalance game.
    Also, you can change the number of cities you have before corruption becomes rampant.
    Make sure you dont build the forbidden palace blindly, make sure you build it near the direction you are building cities/conquering.


    • #3
      There is another theory on corruption.

      That is that all cities have to be connected to you capitol in order for democracy to have effect. So build a harbor, airport or road to you network.

      It is untested but could be the solution to your problems.
      You have now entered the Civilization IV era!
      A guide to City Specialization
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      • #4
        heh, i spotted the corruption thing too late.. i now have about 20 cities that are totally useless. i have multiple cities that are almost 20-sized and they produce 1 science and 1 money (wealth)
        should have tweaked more with the editor before starting the game.

        btw, all my cities are in the same continent and are connected to capital with railroads and it doesnt seem to reduce corruption.. i have democracy and courthouses etc in every city. the palace and forbidden palace saved most of my cities but every city that is outside the 'radius' is useless.. i would do better if i could destroy them somehow

        no wait,. if i destroy them, AI will arrive there with settlers within a nanosecond and put 500 cities in there


        • #5
          Shammy, it has been my experience that tweaks made with the editor take effect at any time in the game. So, it shouldn't be too late to make the changes that are being recommended here, if you so desire.

          I am finding that a combination of well connected roads, an emphasis on culture (specifically temples, cathedrals, libraries, universities, and colosseums), together with courthouses are having a gradual positive influence on my corruption problems. I have just wiped out the Romans and in so doing chose to keep their cities, rather than raze them. Bringing those cities (approximately 25 of them!) up to speed is proving to be a challenge, but I'm in no particular hurry and I am beginning to see positive results.

          Since they (the Romans) occupied the southern portion of a continent that we shared I am giving serious consideration to moving my Palace further to the South. Not certain whether that will be a good thing or not, given that my primary production base (at least the way things are now) is definitely to the North.

