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Please slowdown

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  • Please slowdown


    I don't know if this has ever been addressed but I have a problem and need some help.

    I have a PIII 650mhz 256mb ram, Geforce1 with 32mb of ram (latest driver), and Windows 98 second edition patched.

    As my Civ3 game progresses and there are more and more cities on the map my system or the game seems to slow to a snails pace. I timed the wait time between turns and it can be as much as 3minutes 22 seconds before it's my turn again. Anyone else experiencing this? Are there any fixes to this problem?

    Any help would be appreciated.
    signature not visible until patch comes out.

  • #2
    i doubt this really is a problem..more like a nuance.

    i have a P3 1Ghz 256RAM system. the game runs reasonably fine when i play a standard map game with 8 civs, until towards the end when it begins to slow down, but still negligible.

    with a huge map and 16 civs, i have to wait a full 2-3 minutes before my turn. you ain't alone bud.


    • #3
      Yeah. I had the same problem on the bigger map. I had to restart my game. I hope this isnt just how the game plays. 4 minutes of downtime inbetween turns is not good.


      • #4
        Hey I only have a 300mhz i wanna cry

        put at least the computer is thinking. what do you want a good ai.

        too bad there cant be a good ai and fast turns. at least ctp told you whos computer turn is it. sometimes i think i freeze.

        but good ai. except for that bloody caravel that keeps coming in and out of my shores.


        • #5
          at least ctp told you whos computer turn is it. sometimes i think i freeze.

          True, true.....Even Civ 2 had a "whose turn is it now" indicator.

          Anyway, hopefully this problem will be addressed in a patch. Thanks for the feedback.
          signature not visible until patch comes out.

