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Espionage not working

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  • Espionage not working

    I don't get it - I have embassies with everyone, I researched Espionage, I have build Intelligence Agency, but the only two missions that appear on the espionage screen are Investigate City and Steal Technology. Am I doing something wrong?

  • #2
    ON the city which built the intelligence agency, there should be a pentagon next to the city name. Click that to plant spies. Then you should be able to do more espionage.


    • #3
      Thanks, my fault, but I blame it on the so unintuitive interface

      Like that time when I wonered why I couldn't build railroads and it was because I didn't have any coal. Very logical - I need coal in order to build railroad/coal plants, but not to run them! Sigh...


      • #4
        How do you get to the espionage screen?

        When I right click my city with the intelligence agency, I click conduct espionage

        It just says "you have spies with every civilization"

        Help anyone?


        • #5
          Mine seems to work

          After I got the Intel Agency, clicking the little 'E' button got some new options. I think the turn needs to complete before you can use them on subsequent turns. The 2 basic espionage missions you get early on after establishing embassies are (1) investigate a city and (2) steal a technology.

          Once I had all the pre-reqs there were a few additional options like "expose a mole", "start propaganda", "steal troop strengths" and a couple more. I remember wondering why they weren't immediately available but I think it had to do with the turn being over or not.

