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Defeated civs continue to respawn

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  • Defeated civs continue to respawn

    Anyone run into the problem where you create your own mod and edit a few units, then when you play your creation (with conquest victory turned on), the civs you defeat continually respawn? Dang, I hope I'm not missing anything simple, but all I did was change the attack/defense values of Modern Armor (hehe, hated spearmen killing me) and some of the corruption levels of the governments.

  • #2
    Umm... are you new to the Civilization series? Civilizations always respawn after being destroyed... they did in Civ1, Civ2, & SMAC. So... this occurs without mods too.


    • #3
      And they didn't think to add a "Do not restart defeated players." flag, so there's no way to avoid that either unless someone figures out how to hack it.
      Better to be wise for a second than stupid for an entire lifetime.

      Creator of the LWC Mod for Civ3.


      • #4
        Ack, sorry about the question guys. As you can probably tell, I'm new to Civ, but reading in the manual under Game Rules page 19:

        "Allow Military Victory: If this box is checked, players can win by eliminating all rival nations. If you're the last one standing, you rule the world."

        Sorry, I'm used to games like Starcraft where you pretty much go around destrtoying everything , but thanks for clearing things up.

