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Oil in the Water & other Ironworks Ideas

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  • Oil in the Water & other Ironworks Ideas

    Before the idea of oil in the sea/coast got hindered since we had no way to build a road to it to connect it to the city.

    Ironworks is a building which requires coal & iron to be within a city's 20square area to be built. The *same* idea can apply for a Drilling Expendition (better name?). In the Civ3 Editor - simply have the following things:
    1>Add Drilling Expendition as a Small Wonder;
    2>Required Resources - Oil;
    3>Check Required Resources must be within City Radius box;
    4>Check Increases Shields in Water (which should have a cumulative effect to the Offshore Platform);
    5>Cost: 30shlds(300), Maintenance: 2gold/turn, Pollution: 2
    6>Check Coastal Installation

    But how would one determine how rare oil appears on the coast vs. elsewhere?

    Anyways, I would like to see more improvements like Ironworks - example if you have gold & gems both within a city's 20square area allow DeBeers Jewelry Market to open for example (resulting in a +5% to treasury, +2culture). Any other ideas?

  • #2
    Other Ideas

    Other Small Wonder Ideas with "Required Goods Must be in City Radius":

    Greenpeace (Furs + Whales)
    Happy citizens in current city = 1
    Reduces Building Pollution - Continental Wide Effect
    Culture + 2
    Required Advance: Recycling

    Hollywood (Furs + Silk)
    Happy citizens in current city = 2
    Increases Luxury Trade
    Culture + 9
    Required Advance: Free Artistry

    SeaWorld Amusement Park (Whales + Fish)
    Happy citizens in current city = 3
    Resistant to Propaganda
    Culture + 2;
    Required Advance: Education (maybe Corporation?)

    Poachers Haven (Ivory + Whales)
    Assumes your government supports it, benefits to that city...
    Increases Luxury Trade
    +50% Luxury Output
    +50% Tax Output
    Treasury earns +5%
    Unhappy citizens in all cities = 1 (obviously made to benefit the smaller civs more)
    Production + 1; Maintenance= 1
    Required Advance: none


    • #3
      Re: Other Ideas

      Originally posted by Pyrodrew
      Greenpeace (Furs + Whales)
      Happy citizens in current city = 1
      Reduces Building Pollution - Continental Wide Effect
      Culture + 2
      Required Advance: Recycling

      Poachers Haven (Ivory + Whales)
      Assumes your government supports it, benefits to that city...
      Increases Luxury Trade
      +50% Luxury Output
      +50% Tax Output
      Treasury earns +5%
      Unhappy citizens in all cities = 1 (obviously made to benefit the smaller civs more)
      Production + 1; Maintenance= 1
      Required Advance: none
      You forgot to add -25% shield production for having Greenpeace.

      Also, a Civ would have to choose Greenpeace or the Poacher's Haven, they couldn't exist in the same civilization


      • #4
        An idea for making oil actually a usable resource in water is to make an ocean worker unit, and you can build "pipelines" (ocean roads) to oil sources, and if the oil is outside your cultural borders, it can build a "drilling platform" (ocean colony). I don't know how you could make the graphics specific to ocean terrain, but it can probably be done.


        • #5
          It would be even cooler if they had barbarian environmentalists sabatoging legitimate improvements and killing innocent citizens

          Seriously, that would be nice to add.
          Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


          • #6
            I think the way to make the ocean oil available would be use a transport ship plus a worker and have them both stationed on the oil patch. And have the home city of the transport and the worker have a harbor. If either the worker, transport, or the harbor is destroyed the oil production stops. This way players will need to build a navy to protect their offshore and harbor assests.

            This way, no new units have to be built.
            "Misery, misery, misery. That's what you've chosen" -Green Goblin-


            • #7
              Oil tankers and platforms

              I think the way to make the ocean oil available would be use a transport ship plus a
              worker and have them both stationed on the oil patch. And have the home city of
              the transport and the worker have a harbor. If either the worker, transport, or the
              harbor is destroyed the oil production stops. This way players will need to build a
              navy to protect their offshore and harbor assests.

              This way, no new units have to be built.

              Bravo! Excellent idea.
              An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile,
              hoping it will eat him last.
              Winston Churchill

