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Can't trade - why?

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  • Can't trade - why?

    I am playing monarch level as the French, and although I have horses within several of my cities they don't show up on the trade advisor screen and it isn't listed when I try to negotiate with the Indians.

    Any ideas on what is going on?

  • #2
    oh - its not just horses its also gold, gems etc not showing up.


    • #3
      You have to build a road from the square of the resource to your city. I'm not sure, but I think the city has to be tied to the capital via roads/harbors as well.

      BTW, that only applies with luxuries (gems, silks, etc...) and strategic resources (iron, horses, oil, etc...). Whales, game, fish, cattle, wheat & gold are "bonus resources", and work like the resorces in Civ2 - you can't trade them they just add to the food, shiels or commerce generated if you set one of your city population in that square. Bonus resources do not have to be tied in by road to work.


      • #4
        Also if the Iriquois already have Horses they won't show up on the trade screen because they don't need them.


        • #5
          if they already have it, you cant trade it to them.

          edit: opps missed chuckles post...sorry

