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Wonder Glitch

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  • Wonder Glitch

    I have built the Sun Tzu's Art of War, which gives the effect of a barracks in all cities on that continent. Well, if I'm not mistaken, you need five cities with barracks to build a War Academy. The only thing is I can't build any barracks because of Sun Tzu's thing, and it doesn't count as a barracks for the purpose of building the academy. Now, is there something I'm missing? Maybe I need a Leader in that town or something. Any ideas anyone?
    Yours in gaming,

  • #2
    I thought you just needed Military Tradition tech and a victorious army...


    • #3
      I don't know. I thought it was five cities with barracks. Ahh, found it. In the Strat Guide it says 5 cities, but in the Civilipedia it says a winning army. Sorry about that. Thanks for your help, though.
      Yours in gaming,

