It is my first game. I am now in Monarchy. All of my cities are growing fine, except for two: Tours and Rheims. Although these two show surplus food and their granaries are full, they both show "9999" for the number of turns before the population will increase. In other words, they have stopped growing. They are not in revolt; the citizens are happy/content. They both have a population of six.
Is this a bug? Or, if not, what do I need to do in order to get the cities growing again? Creating a settler or worker doesn't work. All that does is to reduce the population, but as soon as it reaches six again, the 9999 appears and the growth stops.
Thanks for any help you can give me.
Is this a bug? Or, if not, what do I need to do in order to get the cities growing again? Creating a settler or worker doesn't work. All that does is to reduce the population, but as soon as it reaches six again, the 9999 appears and the growth stops.
Thanks for any help you can give me.