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Bug Report & Issues w/XP Pro

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  • Bug Report & Issues w/XP Pro

    Infogrames Tech Support sucks a nugget. These jokers haven't a clue and basically they use scripted responses. I've been experiencing some issues with XP Pro and I figured i'd post the emails i've sent to Infogrames up here in hopes that someone will get a clue and look into these for the next patch. -Email threads follow:

    ----*Original Msg*----
    Brand: Custom
    CPU: Abit BP6 - Dual Celeron 366 MMX
    RAM: 384mb
    VideoCard: Hercules Geforce2 GTS 64mb
    SoundCard: SB Live!
    CDDrive: Pioneer DVD-ROM
    Modem: US Robotics 56k Voice/Fax
    Other: 3Com 905b NIC
    OS: WXP
    GameName: CIV 3
    desc: Misc Problem
    Problem: I seem to be having a speed problem. The game functions properly,
    and I have had no problems with lockups at all. I've tried to run the game
    in both 98 compat. mode, and in default xp mode. I have forced the game to
    run in High priority as well. - My issue seems to be that the game runs
    rather slowly...Also, I have a problem with scrolling around the map using
    the mouse. That too moves slowly...almost not at all. I wish I could be more
    elaborate...but it is hard to explain this.

    Try setting WinXP to start the game in Win98/Me compatibility mode.

    Infogrames Technical Support

    Here's another message I sent in:
    ----*Original Msg*----
    Problem: I am running XP Pro. I have two accounts - one admin and the other
    a power user. the admin account is the one i used to install the game. it
    installed the icon under the all users profile making it automatically
    available to all users. civ3 works aside from a few speed issues under the
    admin account. however, under the power user account it fails to load and
    acts as if it is not installed properly. when looking at the current running
    processes i notice that there is a 4mb process called civilization3.exe
    running. i attempted to install the app under the power user account which
    succeeded, but still failed to load.

    -also it should be noted that under that admin account where the game works
    it leaves that civ3.exe process running even after closing the game.

    Check with your computer manufacturer and make sure that the driver your
    monitor is using is the most current one available. This driver is known as
    an "INF File", and is usually a free download from the Internet.

    Also make sure you have less than 256 fonts installed on your computer. If
    you are unsure about how many fonts are installed, or are unsure of how to
    uninstall them, contact your computer manufacturer for help reducing your
    fonts to below 256.

    If neither of those fixes work, try the two other tips below:

    --Third Party Applications--

    Here's how to disable all third-party applications running in the

    Hold down the CTRL+ALT+DEL keys, all at the same time. This will bring up
    the Close Program dialog box. In here, you will see a number of items. The
    only ones that Windows needs to run are Systray and Explorer. All other
    programs here are extraneous, and are not necessary for Windows to function.

    Since they may be causing conflicts or memory problems, you will want to
    turn them off. Don't worry - nothing we do here is permanent; everything
    here will return when you restart the computer. Select a program (besides
    Explorer and Systray), and then click the End Task button at the bottom of
    this window. If another window pops up saying that the program is not
    responding, click End Task on this window as well. This will drop you out
    to the desktop. Press CTRL+ALT+DEL again, and repeat as necessary until
    only Explorer and Systray are left.

    Once this process is complete, try running the program again, and see how it
    works. If you're still having problems, see the section on Direct X, below.

    --Direct X--

    DirectX is an enhancement for Windows which greatly improves the overall
    performance of games, which will in turn increases the gaming experience.

    If you go to My Computer-->C: Drive-->Program Files-->DirectX-->Setup and
    run the file DXSETUP, you should get a listing of your current DirectX
    drivers. (You can also run DXINFO or DXDIAG for more detailed information.)
    If any of these drivers are listed as "No Hardware Support", are blank, or
    not certified, those drivers will need to be updated.

    Even if there are no obvious problems detected, we still highly suggest
    updating your sound and video drivers. New drivers can be obtained by
    contacting your computer manufacturer directly. We usually recommend
    updating system drivers every 2 or 3 months. These updates ensure that you
    are running the latest and most compatible drivers your manufacturer has
    available for your system, and keeps games running smoothly.

    You should also make sure that you have the latest version of DirectX
    installed. You can obtain this directly from Microsoft at

    If you've tried all the suggestions above and are still having troubles,
    we'll need more detailed information from your system. To gather this
    information, follow these steps.

    First, go to the Start menu, and click on Run. In the Open box, enter the
    word, 'dxdiag'. Once you've typed it in, click on Ok. That will bring up
    the DirectX Diagnostic Tool.

    If this doesn't appear, you may not have typed in dxdiag correctly, or you
    might have an older copy of DirectX. Doublecheck your previous steps, and
    make sure you're running the latest version of DirectX by downloading it

    Once the DirectX Diagnostic Tool is open, click on the button 'Save All
    Information'. It will prompt you to save a file. Name the file
    'dxdiag.txt' and make sure that the File of Type setting is set to Text
    Files (.TXT). Once saved, email that file back to us, so we can use it to
    ascertain more detailed information about your computer.

    Infogrames Technical Support

  • #2
    latest response

    Many of the suggestions I made apply to Windows XP as well, even though the
    game has not been tested for Windows XP compatibility. We are still
    determining this compatibility. As we complete our testing, we will update
    the results within each product's Frequently Asked Questions document, that
    is available both through our Automated Systems and on the web at

    Infogrames Technical Support


    • #3
      Did I just see what I thought I saw? Infogrames is claiming that the "game has not been tested for Windows XP compatibility"? Um, if it hasn't been tested with XP, why does the box say it runs on XP?


      • #4
        Originally posted by doben
        Did I just see what I thought I saw? Infogrames is claiming that the "game has not been tested for Windows XP compatibility"? Um, if it hasn't been tested with XP, why does the box say it runs on XP?

        Good stuff huh?


        • #5
          It's amazing. It seems to me that Infogrames' behavior meets the classic definition of fraud. "An intentional perversion of truth for the purpose of inducing another in reliance upon it to part with some valuable thing belonging to him..." (Black's Law Dictionary).

          If these posts from tech-support are right, then Infogrames falsely claimed XP compatibility (an "intentional perversion of truth"), probably in order to get XP users to part with their money (i.e. "to part with some valuable thing").

          I am not suggesting that anyone haul Infogrames into court. In the grand scheme of things, this is way too small a thing to make a big deal out of. But I do think maybe Infogrames owes us XP users an explanation.


          • #6
            I'm curious as to why you guys don't think Civ3 is compatible with WinXP? I'm running it on WinXP Pro and the only issue I've noticed is the speed slowdown which I solved by rolling back my nVidia driver to the one that shipped with the OS. Not the ideal solution, but it does show that it is compatible with WinXP (just not the latest nVidia driver). Again, I've had no other problems. . . (Well, except for all the well documented bugs, but that's another issue entirely. . .)


            • #7
              Originally posted by binarystatic
              I'm curious as to why you guys don't think Civ3 is compatible with WinXP? I'm running it on WinXP Pro and the only issue I've noticed is the speed slowdown which I solved by rolling back my nVidia driver to the one that shipped with the OS. Not the ideal solution, but it does show that it is compatible with WinXP (just not the latest nVidia driver). Again, I've had no other problems. . . (Well, except for all the well documented bugs, but that's another issue entirely. . .)

              Maybe rolling back video takes care of the speed, but what about the numerous other issues i noted. Inability to scroll across the map using the mouse, and an orphan copy of the engine left running upon exit, or maybe the fact that people on regular user accounts can't run it unless they are an admin?


              • #8
                About the "inability to scroll across the map using the mouse": it works for me.

                About "an orphan copy of the engine left running upon exit": I've never noticed this happening the few times I've checked.

                About "the fact that people on regular user accounts can't run it unless they are an admin": you got me there -- this isn't something I've tested out. . .


                • #9
                  Originally posted by bloopy
                  Maybe rolling back video takes care of the speed, but what about the numerous other issues i noted. Inability to scroll across the map using the mouse
                  Works perfectly fine on both of my XP Pro installations.

                  and an orphan copy of the engine left running upon exit
                  Doesn't happen to me either. People on 2K/XP may notice it because they get the benefits of viewing the Processes list. My guess is it also happens in 9x, but the user can't see. They just assume it's a memory leak.

                  or maybe the fact that people on regular user accounts can't run it unless they are an admin?
                  That is how it works for a majority of games, sadly.
                  'Regular' user accounts are really restricted. You can't write to the registry, etc. Not very good for gaming.
                  "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                  Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                  • #10

                    Yes, if you check the process list there will be a copy of civilization3.exe left running using 16mb of memory even after exiting the game. This also occurs when run from a normal user account only the game never just loads the civilization3.exe resident which appears to be consuming up to 4mb of memory.
                    And, then there is still the issue of speed and the inability to scroll the map using the mouse at the edge of the screen. This occurs when run in all compatibility type modes. Could possibly be attributed to nvidia drivers...but i will not rollback to the version that came with the OS due to the lack of opengl support.


                    • #11
                      Re: XP

                      Originally posted by bloopy
                      Yes, if you check the process list there will be a copy of civilization3.exe left running using 16mb of memory even after exiting the game. This also occurs when run from a normal user account only the game never just loads the civilization3.exe resident which appears to be consuming up to 4mb of memory.
                      I'll recheck this later today to confirm whether this occurs for me or not. . .

                      And, then there is still the issue of speed and the inability to scroll the map using the mouse at the edge of the screen. This occurs when run in all compatibility type modes. Could possibly be attributed to nvidia drivers...but i will not rollback to the version that came with the OS due to the lack of opengl support.
                      The inability to scroll the map with the mouse is an issue I've never seen on my setup, not even with the latest nVidia drivers that I had before I rolled back to the OS drivers. With the nVidia drivers I could still use the mouse to scroll, albeit it was a very slow and jerky affair. . .


                      • #12

                        Originally posted by binarystatic
                        The inability to scroll the map with the mouse is an issue I've never seen on my setup, not even with the latest nVidia drivers that I had before I rolled back to the OS drivers. With the nVidia drivers I could still use the mouse to scroll, albeit it was a very slow and jerky affair. . .
                        Slow and jerky affair...That sounds like a bug to me. Its so slow and jerky that its not even worth trying to do it. I have to use the mini map and click on the general area I want to be because of this.

                        It's a riot that they claim xp compat. on the box but it just doesn't work the way it should in the real world. then when you call them on it - they claim it hasn't been tested.


                        • #13
                          Re: XP

                          Originally posted by bloopy

                          Slow and jerky affair...That sounds like a bug to me. Its so slow and jerky that its not even worth trying to do it. I have to use the mini map and click on the general area I want to be because of this.

                          It's a riot that they claim xp compat. on the box but it just doesn't work the way it should in the real world. then when you call them on it - they claim it hasn't been tested.
                          Again though, the mouse scrolling was only slow and jerky with the latest drivers from nVidia -- it's perfectly fine with the drivers that shipped with the OS. If it's something that works with the OS as it ships, how can that issue be demonstrative of incompatability with the OS?


                          • #14

                            This is still a problem. The application has an issue that arises when using newer video drivers whereas i've had no other problems with any other app. also, the drivers that ship with have no opengl support. its just unacceptable.


                            • #15
                              Yes, it is a problem, I totally agree and don't like not being able to use the latest video driver. However, I don't think we can use this issue as an clear-cut indication of problems with Civ3 on XP since it is fixed by using the drivers that shipped with the OS.

                              Also, I just checked to see whether quitting the game leaves a civilization3.exe process still running. This does NOT occur on my setup. After quitting the game there was no process running with that name nor any other that I can attribute to Civ3.

