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Establishing embassies and conducting espionage

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  • Establishing embassies and conducting espionage


    I can t seem to establish embassies. I read once you have discovered writing you have to click on a civ's capital to establish one. But i clicked and clicked , but it doesn t really seem to work.

    I also have discovered espionage and constructed the intelligence agency. So according to the manual I should be able to plant spy's do propaganda etc. So I clicked on the espionage button down on the right. And i still only have the same featurs as I had before (investigate cities / steal tech) with 1 civ that made an embassie in my capital.

    Is there some extra I have to do ?

    Can plz somebody help me ? =\


  • #2
    You need to click on the star icon (or whatever the icon is) next to the name of the city in which you built your intelligence agency -- that should give you the ability to plant spies in the enemy civs. You need a spy in any civ you want to target with the advanced espionage options. . .

    Good luck with the propaganda mission -- I've yet to be able to try that one out and the other missions seemed for the most part so prohibitively expensive that I skipped them altogether. . .


    • #3
      It's really expensive and low success, at least w/ democratic gov. I haven't tried from communism. -your intel agency city will have a pentagon-shaped figure at the end of it's name bar. Clicking the name won't work - you have to click the icon.

      to establish and embassy doubleclick on the star next to the capital name (I think a right click on the city brings up the option as well).


