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Help - diplomacy

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  • Help - diplomacy

    Im curious if there is anyway you can find out what techs/amount of gold another civ has to trade before you actually contact them. If I want to trade with a civ and I contact them yet they have nothing to trade they get annoyed at me for wasting their time.

    You can find out what resources civs have to trade to you in the trade advisor screen, but where can I find out their gold and their techs?

  • #2
    I'm seeing their gold and techs on their side of the diplomacy table, at negotiation time, IF they have any to negotiate. I am still playing my first game, and at the easiest level, at that. Consequently, the other civs have been lagging far behind in both gold and technology. Therefore, there has only been one occasion where they have had a tech that they could offer, and frequently their gold reserves are in the tens (30-50 range), while my reserves are in the high hundreds or even thousands.

    By the way, I have established an embassy with each of these other civs, and have planted a spy in each of their other capitals. Not sure if those items were "visible" on the table prior to the embassy and/or spy, or not.


    • #3
      yes, they are allways supposed to be visible in negotiations, but im wondering if there is a way to find out BEFORE you goto the trading table. They civs get annoyed if you play lets make a deal but then you dont have anything to deal with.


      • #4
        Sorry to have misunderstood your question the first time around.

        I have experienced the same thing. So as not to "annoy my neighbors" I save the game, run through to see if there are any potential negotiations, reload, then contact only the pertinent ones. I recognize that this is a kludge--but it accomplishes what I desire without ticking off everyone else.

