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Something new for the patch.

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  • Something new for the patch.

    Something new for the patch:

    First of all, let me just thank fraxis for a great game. Another score. Although the game has several bugs, the game's potential should not be overlooked. I think it is fair to expect a patch that will remedy these problems, as well as fine tune the game balance a bit.

    My two cents regarding the patch: I would like to see a mod that allows you to edit the number of years that occur during each turn. Right now, I have a hard time getting to the later stages of the game because forced retirement comes too quickly. The time limit in the game really puts a damper on things, since unlike in SMAC, I'm not just competing against other civs to win the game; I'm also competing against the clock.

    If you could take that into consideration, it would be much appreciated.

    Also, during my games I seem to be experiencing several turns in a row where nothing happens. All of my workers are busy, all of my cities are building something or on wealth, and there are no units to move. It becomes an issue of me pressing the space bar about 20 times in a row before I get to do something. Is this normal, or am I doing something wrong?

    Thanks in advance.

    Honk! If you hate noise pollution.

  • #2
    I would like to see a mod that allows you to edit the number of years that occur during each turn.
    This is an absolute MUST for the editor; otherwise, every turn in a WWII mod will be messed up.

