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BUG: Unit not indentified correctly

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  • BUG: Unit not indentified correctly

    I'm playing as the Greeks and have allied all other nations against Egypt. I'm in Russian territory, attempting to bombard two Egyptian tanks. When I do, I get a warning message saying that if I do I would be starting war with Russia(like the unit belongs to them)??? The stack information shows them as belonging to Egypt and they are the correct color, but the message doesn't make sense. So I went ahead and bombarded anyway (they weren't Russian), and sure enough, Russia declares war on me!

    Here is the saved game:
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Cool bug!

    I think what's happening here, though, isn't a misrepresentation of the units you're bombarding, but that you're bombarding them in territory belonging to someone you're not at war with.

    Remember, bombardment can take out terrain improvements, city improvements, city population, etc. in addition to damaging units. I think the AI decided you were litterally attacking Mother Russia when you bombarded that hex!

    Great bug!

    Dar Steckelberg


    • #3
      Wow, a recreation of modern warfare where your allies will accept no colateral damage.
      The other guys are always barbarians

