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Deficit Bug - Reaganomics

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  • Deficit Bug - Reaganomics

    There seems to be yet another bug in Civ3. The game allows you to play with a deficit without consequences.

    As a test, I set Science to 100%, built a few improvements and some military units. After my treasury reaches 0, nothing happens. No units are disbanded nor are any of my city improvements sold off to cover the debt. The only thing I see happen is my Domestic Advisor keeps telling me "Our treasury is running dangerously low!" every turn.

    A friend of mine played this way through to 1500A.D. with no consequences. This definitely needs to be fixed.

    Here is a sample screenshot showing my treasury 0 with a deficit:
    Attached Files
    - The Lich

  • #2
    This is rather interesting. But you can't buy anything while you're like this. Have you checked to see if you could deficet spend the ai for resources? Its an interesting bug in any case.
    By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day.


    • #3
      If you are playing on one of the two lower levels (chieftain and warlord) the game doesn't automatically sell off units or wonders when your treasuryruns out of money. So if you were playing these levels, it is not a bug, but rather a game design feature.


      • #4
        Not A Bug, but should be better documented.

        Ignis, you are quite right. I apologize for not testing other difficultly levels before posting.

        Is this info documented anywhere? I could not find any info on this in either the manual or the Civliopedia. I also couldn't find it documented anywhere where units will be disbanded and/or city improvements sold off. This could be real confusing to first time players (as a matter of fact, the only reason I noticed this was because I was watching a friend of mine play who was a first time player and he asked me about those pesky "treasury running low" messages he was seeing every turn and how to get rid of them )

        - The Lich
        - The Lich


        • #5
          More importantly, does the AI have the same rules?! That might explain how it can afford 1000000 gold/turn, or barring that obvious bug, maybe how it fields such large armies. No, I'm not complaining, it's just one of the things I haven't been able to verify the AI doesn't cheat in, and Soren DID say the AI plays by all the players' rules...


          • #6
            why would anyone NOT run a deficit on warlord? i do not understand the design decision?


            • #7
              I found that information in the CivIII Strategy guide. I haven't seen it mentioned in the game book though.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Grunthex
                More importantly, does the AI have the same rules?! That might explain how it can afford 1000000 gold/turn, or barring that obvious bug, maybe how it fields such large armies. No, I'm not complaining, it's just one of the things I haven't been able to verify the AI doesn't cheat in, and Soren DID say the AI plays by all the players' rules...
                If you're referring to the post about extorting 100000000 gold from a civ, it does not work at Monarch level. I wanted to see if it would so I loaded a saved game. Brought up weakest power, demanded 10000000 gold. Was told civ did not have enough gold.
                (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                • #9
                  So it is the Reaganomics that allows it. Good to know. Means if I play at Regent, the AI is actually forced to run it's economy right. Good thing I'm moving up next game, as I've about figured out the mechanics, and I'm ready to lose.


                  • #10

                    Might this explain the widely divergent reports we hear? Some people claiming that the lower difficulties are way too hard, and others having success with harder difficulties?

