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AIR UNITS and other needed FIXES

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  • AIR UNITS and other needed FIXES

    first off, i LOVE civ 3 and can't stop playing. this is the first time in a LONG while i've gotten so much into a game that i go on the boards to complain. anyways, now i can start ranting:

    i haven't really seen this mentioned much, but DAMN that broken air superiority pisses me off. it pretty much negates the useful ness of any and ALL air units for you. the uselessness of the fighters are evident, but sense the A.S. isn't broken for the AI, that ruins the usefulness of bomber.

    what needs to be done:

    I. FIX THE GOD DAMN AIR SUPERIORITY. it frustrates the HELL out of me when i've built like 8 jets just sitting around on a A.S. mission while bombers come in and kill all my roads.

    2. ADD ESCORT MISSIONS FOR BOMBERS so A.S actually MEANS something.

    3. ALLOW units to be killed through bombardment. bombardment is pretty weak as it is. for chrissakes, just let us kill them! in modern warfare the aircraft carrier is supposed to represent a HUGE tactical advantage, but that is not at all evident here. eliminate the free artillary strike on the defense to tone down artillary units if you must, but allow them to KILL. right now it's a pain in the ASS to use bombardment.

    4. ARMIES shouldn't require leaders to start. MILITAR