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Reduced corruption via mod

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  • Reduced corruption via mod

    I discovered that the "Reduces Corruption" Tag for city improvements is cummunalitive... so for instance you can add that ability to Police Stations and ease corruption for the industrial/modern age (since you get the reduction twice if you also have a courthouse).

    Just FYI

  • #2
    Are these tags still in an easy to edit rules.txt? Or do you have to be a "rocket scientist" to make changes to e.g. the high corruption?
    Somebody told me I should get a signature.


    • #3
      Just use the editor to open/create a .BIC file and then just change the rules. It's listed on the Improvement tab of the rules and is rather plain to see. Little intelligence needed, just don't go overboard
      Better to be wise for a second than stupid for an entire lifetime.

      Creator of the LWC Mod for Civ3.


      • #4
        I have changed the Police Station to also include the courthouse 'decrease corruption' tag. See my mod for details (click on my signature for the mod).


        • #5

          Good case in point for why the modding capabilities of Civ3 are horrendous. Sure, the editor has a nice little GUI this time instead of a text file. Now alot more people will be comfortable editting some game rules... but, the trade-off was POWER. It's very limiting what we can do now. Ex: Corruption. Lets say you want courthouses to be a little more logical in fighting corruption (as it stands now, I had a city with 6 corruption, build a courthouse, and now it has 5 corruption.... OH but what about the 1 commerce maintenance cost?! Ineffective!) So lets say instead of goign to this forum and ranting you open up the editor to make the courthouse more effecient.... oh look at this- a simple flag. No value to edit so you can make it better or worse- just a little checkbox to set a flag true or false. Of course you can go to World Sizes and change the city distance, but that effects a global corruption and not how well a courthouse works.

          What I was hoping Civ3 would have is good mod support. I want scripting languages and access to just about any game variable!


          • #6
            "Distance between civs" I think is simply the minimum distance each civilization starts from each other. I don't think this is the Distance Corruption factor.

