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help! im a n00b!

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  • help! im a n00b!

    My cities are going into civil disorder because theyre too populated or something.... how do i cut down the population??

  • #2

    - build settlers and workers to decrease the population

    - build more improvements like temples and coluseums

    - connect your cities to luxury tiles by road

    - increase your luxuries rate (not normally done in beginning of game

    - garroson more military units in the city (limit to this based on gov type)

    Unless you are just asking what to do after your city is revolting, you can click on one of the worked tiles in the city screen and that worker will become an entertainer. This may bring your city back so you can produce stuff again. You could also redistribute workers so the city starves.


    • #3
      Re: help! im a n00b!

      Originally posted by demzer
      My cities are going into civil disorder because theyre too populated or something.... how do i cut down the population??
      If in despotism, try rush buying some military units or improvements. It will cut some of the population off your cities. All you need to do is right click on the city and that option should available for you.

      If you need to raise or lower you luxuries (tax rate) go to the domestic advisor and set the rate appropriately to what you need. You will see all of your cities in that screen as well, make sure that there is always more happy versus unhappy people. That way none of your cities should go in civil disorder.

      Another very important one, is securing special luxuries on the ground. Make sure they are in your borders, connect a road to your capital and them.
      Go BIG or go home.

