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REPRO? Intel 82810 Font Problem

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  • REPRO? Intel 82810 Font Problem

    For those of you with i82810 chipsets/cards who are able to run the program (which I read about in some threads but did not experience), are you having the font problem I am? The font sizes I can adjust in the INI file, but the line spacing is the real culprit and causes much of the Civilopedia and Diplomacy screen to be unreadable or inaccessible. I have read about the font problem but haven't seen any pictures so I'm attaching one.

    Thank you,

    Dar Steckelberg
    Attached Files

  • #2
    I'm not sure if Hercules uses the i82810 chipset, but I'm having the same problem with my Hercules Phantom II, which is based off of the GeForce 2.

    I sure would like to find a resolution to this problem because the game isn't really playable as it is. I've been forced to kick my wife off of her computer so that I can play - and she's none too happy about it .
    Illegitimi non carborundum est.

