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An Appeal to Snoopy

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  • An Appeal to Snoopy

    I was wondering if Snoopy (or any other mod artist) could do something about the terrible "Road network" eyesore.
    I've been looking at screenshots of the game and I've noticed that advanced and extensive road networks look extremely ugly and confusing.
    Given his previous triumphs over the oceans, coastlines and mountain tops, this seems like a fitting challenge for our de-facto Firaxis Art Director Snoopy

  • #2
    another complaint: as in CIV, railroads are the way to increase food on irrigated fields, not farmlands... didn't they say in the Civ2 manual that a land covered in railroads looks ugly? now what are we doing here? if every square is either irrigated or mined, the game will be covered with railroad squares again... supposed to look ugly, unless they have found a decent way to make it look nice.. which I doubt


    • #3
      Re: An Appeal to Snoopy

      Originally posted by Dracon II
      I was wondering if Snoopy (or any other mod artist) could do something about the terrible "Road network" eyesore.
      I've been looking at screenshots of the game and I've noticed that advanced and extensive road networks look extremely ugly and confusing.
      Given his previous triumphs over the oceans, coastlines and mountain tops, this seems like a fitting challenge for our de-facto Firaxis Art Director Snoopy
      I second that emotion!


      • #4
        Hey Snoopy.

        Hide. Hide now. Get in a car, plane, whatever and RUN!!!!!!

        Or this'll be you with all these requests:

        Just kidding guys. But sheesh, give the poor guy a chance to actually *play* the game. If the Muse moves him to do so, he will make mods. If not, try large amounts of cash



        • #5
          At least they are more realistic than the Civ2 rail network.
          "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


          • #6
            Originally posted by tmarcl
            But sheesh, give the poor guy a chance to actually *play* the game
            Correct me if im wrong, but as Snoopy is in New Zealand, he wouldnt even have the game yet... 'least not a store-bought copy

            So feel free to bombard him with requests until he does get the game
            I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


            • #7
              I have the game

              i've looked at the roads and railroads and contemplated the amount of work I'd have to do to fix them.

              It will be a massive massive job, and probably not a possible one. The reason is a bit complicated to explain.

              But I am playing a game now (16 civs, huge earth, it's GREAT!!!) and I am constantly looking at the pattern of the roads to see how it works, trying to see how I could make them better.

              Someone suggested to me to use bridges and another suggested tiny towns in certain parts of the road.

              Well, u'll just have to wait and see once I have finished the pack.
              be free

