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Edited rules crashes game

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  • Edited rules crashes game

    I have been getting my butt royaly handed to me so I decided to try to edit the rules to give me a bit of a better shot. (Yes I am a newbie and yes I am playing on the lowest level). However anytime I try to play a scenario based on unusual rules I get the error "Civilization3 caused an error in civilization3.exe". No details button, just a crash to the desktop after clicking OK. I am always able to get into the game, and usually able to play for a good number of turns, but on an edited rules package I don't think I have gotten past about 2000 BC. Take this as an example:

    I wanted to play as the americans because they are expansionist and industrious, but I didn't want to wait until the 20th century to get my special unit, so I edited the F15, changed everything about it so it was identical to the jaguar warrior (except of course that it was buildable only by americans), removed the warrior from being makeable by the americans and saved all this as a scenario with no map attached. When I tried to play this I was able to move my starting units around, but when I built my city and it goes to the city view, immediately got the civilization3 caused an error in civilization3.exe message.

    Has anybody been able to play with edited rules? If so what did you change so I can see if I can play with those changes. On regular rules (IE not playing a scenario with changed rules) I have had no problems at all (except I get a strange sound.dll error message when I quit the game, but who cares about that since its not affecting my game play).


  • #2
    I've had problems...but not quite like yours.

    See ....other folks have had problems playing with an edited bic file that is not the default.


