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Really BIG map?

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  • Really BIG map?

    I'm having an odd problem. I go into the editor, and ask for huge to be a 256x256 map. I changed the minimum civ spacing to 32, and then I save it. I start civ, load the super huge map scenario, and then start, using the greeks. Found my first city, then attempt to set my technology advances. All the lines showing which advances have to be research first are drawn wrong, and I cannot click onany of the actual advances. Any ideas? Anyone else even experiencing this problem?

  • #2
    You have to overwrite the civ3mod.bic file, which is where the default rules are located. Back that file up, then save your scenario as that. When you go to play it, dont load it as a scenario, just start a game normally, as now the default rules have been changed.

